Chapter 14 - Can We Keep Them?

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"My name is Nana. It's wonderful to meet you Myaster!"

"... Ignoring that. Next, what is the full reason you are calling me your Master?"

She seemed to finally realise where she slipped up.

"Oh! Right."

She suddenly got up on the bench next to him.

"Nana is a cat. Us cats can be different to eachother. Some like to go out and find a Master Nya. So Nana came looking for that. Nana would love nothing more than to be in the care of someone who loves and cares for me Nya." She had this happy, dreamy look. "So when Nana saw you with those kittens, she just had to be yours! Please accept me. I reeeeeaaaally want to have a Myaster like you! Pleeeeeease!"

She leaned into his face with these big adorable eyes.

As weird as she is, this girl is honestly cute in her own way.

He looked to the kittens, then to her.

"... Uhh... Are you sure I'm the best choice?" He asked unsure about this.

"Yes! Nana is very sure! Nana will be a good cat! She promises Nya!"

"What's with the Nya? I don't get it. Why do you say that all the time?"

"I don't know what you mean Nya." She said seemingly not noticing herself say it.

"... Nevermind.... Uhhh..." He actually found he couldn't say no. He didn't want to say no to her. "Ok.... Fine.... Just a warning, I already have my own Master. I'm someone's familiar. So, yeah."

"Thank you so much! And don't worry! That won't bother me at all!"

"Suddenly dropped the third person thing. Somehow does it without sounding pretentious." He said shaking his head. He held his hand up to her for a handshake. "Damien. Nice to meet you Nana."

She responded to the handshake by nomming his hand.
"What are you doing?" He asked.

"A hnnn nmm."

Damien raised a brow. She pulled back.

"A hand nom. That's what that was right?" She asked.

".... Sure. I guess..."

He then realised what she was wearing.

It was a tad risky.

She had a shirt that only went half way down her body, showing a decent amount of midriff.
She, thankfully, had pants on

It was simple, cute, and it worked. She definitely has curves to add to the outfit, but he was a loyal boi. He ain't doin that to Louise.

Thankfully, this girl was simply here for a Master and nothing else.

"Soooooo.... I think we should be goin then." He said standing up and holding the box of tiny monsters.

"Where are we going Myaster?"

After groaning internally, he answered.

"To meet up with Louise. I'm with her today. I'm also with her... Get me?" He asked hoping she understands.

"Don't worry Master! Nana will be a good cat! Neither you or your wife need to be worried!"

"She's not my- We're not... Nevermind. If you're coming with me then, uh, follow I guess. If you want."

He continued on and she followed while clinging to his arm.

'What have I gotten myself into this time.'
"Damien... Who is she?"

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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