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Alban followed the man, the only name Alban knew? some time ago he was forced to call this guy 'Master'. why you ask? well it is because this man is the one who bought Alban, forcing him to become a thief to begin with. the two slowly reached the large, high class mansion, a place Alban was all to familiar with. the guy looked at Alban as he open the door, "you know where your room is right? it hasnt changed" hearing those words Alban started walking towards the stairs. "come to my room later, kitty"

Alban did his best to hold back his gag at the name he has heard so many times, all for the worst reasons. Alban slowly walked down the stairs to the 'basement', more like a dungeon. he entered the room, the one he remembered from those past, horrible, bone chilling memories. he looked over at the bed that has been there for more years than he wanted to accept. he walked over to the corner and sat down, wondering how long would he be here this time? would somebody save him? is.. Sonny coming?

suddenly a high pitched frequency rang in his head, 'those damn ears' he thought when suddenly a voice was heard.

'uh.. neko, help is coming... can you hold out? uhm two beeps if its not possible'

Albans eyes widened as he heard Sonny, 'the ears! i knew there was a reason Uki made Fulgur connect the ears to a chip... they put in me eugh' Alban thought that last part as he felt chills cover his body. "not possible.... sonny something is going to happen to me i know it, please... please hurry"(i wont make you all read 'meow meow meow' haha)

Alban heard sonny talking to someone, maybe Uki? suddenly Alban heard Sonny seemingly talk to himself. 'i thought these were just a radio of sorts? if he doesnt have them.. how can he hear me? are these.. physically connected to him? somehow?' "kinda?" Alban spoke forgetting the other couldnt understand him. 'oh shit you heard me??' Alban laughed a little before answering "yup!"

there was a slight pause when suddenly Sonny spoke. 'Alban... are you meowing?' hearing those words Alban suddenly felt his face flush, how did Sonny know?? was it Fulgur?? Uki?? they wouldnt dare share that right?? it was their idea anyway! he heard the other laugh some before speaking again. 'haha sorry for asking that, i heard Uki said thats how you respond'


'did you... cuss out Uki?'

Alban stayed quiet for a few seconds before responding, "maybe"

'by meowing??'

"..yes" Alban covered his face with his hands after saying that, hearing Sonny coo at him. 'why are you so cute! haha'

Alban suddenly stayed extremely quiet, Sonny felt his heart start to race, 'why isnt he saying anything?' Alban glanced up and saw someone he had never seen before, "did Master get new people?" he mumbled to himself. the person looked at him and after a few minutes spoke, "get up, he wants to see you" the guy spoke in a demanding tone. Alban stood up and walked to the room, seeing Master looking out the window he spoke in a soft voice. "Master, you called for me?" 'Master' turned around walking over to Alban and suddenly put something around the boys neck. "kitty, i am truly sad to see you leave. this fine gentleman bought you, this here, around your neck? this my boy is your new collar" (why does he sound like vox suddenly??)

Alban looked up at the other guy, sure he has been in this position many times since he lost Rias, but something about this new guy was off. he cant say staying with Master is any better... he was used, in too many ways. would this new guy be any better? without even realizing one thought rushed to his head, "Sonny please.. save me" Alban looked back over to his Master, the other smiled at him before leaning to his ear, and whispering quietly. "remember those fun nights? you will always look the best to me, but sadly im forced to share you. just dont let him have as much fun as i did" Master then stood back straight looking to the other guy. "well he is all yours now."

Sonny was fuming, he pulled out the disc he once talked to Uki and Fulgur on. the two were barely able to answer before Sonny blew up. "that bastard! i swear the second i see him or anyone who knows him im going to kill them"

Uki and Fulgur looked at each other confused "Sonny? did something happen to Albanyan?"

"i wish i could say no but those damn words! that man is going to regret ever touching Alban in such ways, he will never get out of this!"

Uki glanced to Fulgur before asking, "what do you mean words? did somebody reach out to you?"

"no im not sure how but i heard a mans voice, he was talking to Alban. it wasnt a beep or anything it was actual words"

"Sonny what was said?" Fulgur asked knowing it was going to be a hard thing to answer.

"the guy.. he said 'remember those fun nights? you will always look the best to me, but sadly im forced to share you. just dont let him have as much fun as i did' what did Alban have to deal with when living here? how can he be so happy?? why the fuck did i not know about any of this?! ..Alban... where are you?..."

Uki and Fulgur looked at each other, the look on the cyborgs face slowly got more and more angered, he slowly clenched his fist, Uki was sure if they were holding hands right now his hand would be crushed. suddenly in a slow and hushed voice the two heard the blonde. "i will bring him back, i will protect him forever"

hearing those words Fulgur seemed to snap, "go to ***** street, once you reach it go towards the orange sign, there will be a door near it with grey stripes, there will be a guy, tell him youre looking for Reaper, once you see Reaper ask for the owner of the Phantom Cat" after Sonny heard those words the line went dead. Sonny looked up. the place he was supposed to look for was right next to him.

Sonny entered the building and walked up to the guy holding a beer glass. "what can i get ya officer?" the guy behind the bar asked cheerfully. "where is Reaper?" Sonny asked anger still lacing his face. "oh uh... who? eheh never heard of him" the bartender glanced around as he answered. "i wont ask again, take me to him or ill shoot first, ask later" realizing Sonny wasnt going to take any other answer but being led to Reaper, the bartender slowly led him to the back and down some stairs.

"hey Reap? someone is here for you, and i think he will leave with the answer he wants no matter what" the bartender spoke as he walked to a room away from everything.

"haha nice! wonder who would actually win. whats the name fella?" Sonny walked to the table seeing the face that he knew from papers. "so youre Reaper? the famous White Reaper, best black market seller. i need info and right now" Sonny leaned onto the table, he didnt plan on staying that long. "ah commander Brisko is it? what would someone like you need info from me for?" the Reaper also leaned forward in his chair, amused by the sight in front of him. "the Phantom Cat"

the Reaper leaned back, "not saying anything, that cat has helped me many times" Sonny pulled his gun out and leaned back onto the table. "tell me where my cat is or ill shoot, and before you say anything else stupid, Alban Knox is mine. i dont care what reports say" the Reaper looked Sonny in the eyes as he hummed, "i see you arent lying about him being yours, you really believe that dont you? fine, he was sold to many people but the most recent are two different people. the previous owner is know as Master on the market, but he was sold a few years ago, around two i think." Sonny looked down as he heard this, Alban had been with him this whole time but he only now is learning he was a item of the black market. "who bought him?" Sonny spoke as he glanced back up. the other looked up at him with a slight grin, "someone im sure you know very well, since he is one of your members on the force"

Sonny was heading back to the VSF HQ, he was mad, but above all he felt betrayed. Alban was taken from him, just because he ended up at VSF. he shouldve taken Alban to his home the second he saw him. right now all Sonny was thinking is, 'just who would betray the VSF'

Word count: 1523

The info we got in this chapter... I wonder if Sonny will get to Alban in the next one but also who is this guy? And why did he buy Alban off the black market? Also... I proof read it... kinda?


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