Episode 2: Welcome To Camp Kikiwaka Part 2

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RavenDragon: Before we start, Jackson, someone wants to see you.

Jackson: Oh, I hope it's a pretty girl.

SabrinaCiper shows up in the box seats.

RavenDragon: This is my girlfriend. She knows about you trying to hit on me.

Jackson: Oh, Sweet Nibbletts.

SabrinaCiper grabs Jackson and takes him out of the theater.

RavenDragon: On with the show. Oh, and my girlfriend with be sticking around.

(The scene changed to the morning at the great lawn where every cabin was gathered.)

GLADYS OVER PA: Attention, campers! Time for the obstacle course. The winning cabin gets to have a pizza party, while I just continue the obstacle course that is my life.

(Gladys signed off.)

Bertram: Wow. She's more depressing than Jessie's ex-boyfriend stories.

Jessie: And the wounds reopen.

Miley: You should see the number of girls that reject Jackson.

Jackson: That's so funny. I can tell the number of boys who have run from you.

Miley: Hey, RavenDragon could you do something about him?

RavenDragon: I can't but my girlfriend can.

SabrinaCiper gave Jackson a murderous glare

Jackson gulped nervously.

(The woodchucks heard someone launch an arrow and they ducked. They missed Emma and hit one of the posts. They got up and Emma looked freaked out.)

EMMA: Is archery part of the obstacle course?

LOU: Nope.

(They turn to look at Hazel who had a bow in her hand but she hid it behind her back and whistled innocently.)

Damian: Ok, she's a psycho.

Zuri: No kidding.

(The scene changed to the rope ladder where Ravi was tangled in the rope ladder as the other Grizzlies had already climbed it.)

Zuri facepalmed

Luke: Wow. Two days at camp and you are already in trouble.

Jason: How is he even related to you three?

Emma: Luke, Zuri and Ravi are all adopted.

Jason: That explains it.

JORGE: Ravi, what are you doing?

RAVI: Obviously, as your counselor-in-training, I'm demonstrating what not to do.

BOOKER: Dude, you're embarrassing Grizzly Cabin!

DANNY: And men in general!

XANDER: I think Ravi's doing great.

DAMIAN: Really?! He can barely pick up his egg for the egg race.

RAVI: It was a jumbo! What do they feed those chickens?

BOOKER: Put some meat on those bones of yours! You're weaker than a newborn kitten.

Luke: He's always been like that.

Zuri: Yeah, he's got the bones of an elderly woman.

Roxie: Give me a week with that brother of yours and I'll whip him into shape! Roxie's bootcamp can make the weakest man into a soldier.

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