all of the customers have been really friendly towards him and showered him with lots of compliments, he felt very at home with them

"here's your cheesecake sir!" michi thought he was doing quite well for his first shift


a group of 4 people walked through the door, they looked around michis age

when takemichis colleague saw them she immediately went to go serve someone else, then takemichi made the realisation that these must be some of the delinquents nomura was talking about

takemichi saw that the other waiters were uncomfortable serving them so he decided he should do it

"hello, welcome to flower cafe!" the four men turned to look at takemichi, their faces turning a light shade of red when they saw him

"my name is hanagiki and I will be serving you today, please follow me to your table!" takemichi remembered to keep his smile even while walking them to their table

as they were walking the four men started to whisper

"ken-chin do you see how pretty he is" the smallest whispered "of course I do mikey, you need to be quiet"

"drakens right mikey, but you are correct, he's stunning" a attractive guy with long black hair interrupted the twos conversation "baji-kun you can't just say that!!" the undercut obviously agreed but he was a bit more mature with these types of conversations

"chifuyus right baji, grow up" draken agreed "HEY-" before baji could continue, they arrived at their table

"here's your table! would you like to order drinks now?" takemichi asked as they sat down "uhm yes please we will, one second" draken responded

"ken-chinnnn I want dorayaki" mikey was pouting and acting childish "mikey wait a bit would you!?" baji and chifuyu were snickering in the background at drakens reaction

"I could add doriyaki now instead of later if you want... mikey-kun was it?" mikey beamed "YES PLEASE PRETTY WAITER!!!"

takemichi immediately blushed at the word pretty and hid his face

the delinquents smirked at his reaction and giggled to themselves a little bit

"hey pretty waiter" baji started "I know what I want"

takemichi uncovered his face and went back into job mode

"oh yes of course! what would you like?"

"hm I was thinking your number?" baji asked with a smirk on his face. the others on the table turned to look at him with wide eyes, takemichi covered his face again

"oh god these people are going to be the death of me" takemichi whispered but he knew he had to stay professional and what a perfect opportunity to get an attractive guys number

he uncovered his face at answered with a smile "sure, give me your phone"


after takemichis shift and gaining 4 guys numbers he was on his way home

he decided to go the long way because it was quieter there



the noises from the dark alleyway startled michi 'hm what was that'

It sounded like someone was getting beat up and as much as it scared takemichi, he wanted to go investigate

so as quiet as he could, he walked into the alleyway and bent down in a corner  to see what was going on

"not so strong now are you?" a tall guy with around seven people behind him spoke

"so much for the 'deadly twins'"

'oh I see, eight against two, they all seem like delinquents and the twins look messed up' takemichi thought to himself before slowly standing up

takemichi hated unfair fights, takemichi definitely didn't like these people

"eight against two isn't very fair dont you think?" takemichi walked in, getting a better close at the people he was now dealing with

'wow they are huge what did I just get myself into'

"who do you think you are to say what's fair and what's not? you're lucky you're pretty or you'd be on the ground right now" the leader spoke as all eyes were now on michi

"you think you'd be able to put me on the ground?" takemichi questioned with a challenging smirk "do it I dare you"

the leader smirked while two of the men lunged at takemichi

takemichi sent a kick at one of the men, sending him into the other guy, making them both fall on the ground

the other guy immediately got up and swung a fist at takemichi

michi caught it and sent a knee into his guts

the guy coughed and fell on the ground next to the other guy

takemichi glared at the leader speaking

"that it?"

the leader of the group stared him down

deciding whether he wanted to continue michis winning streak

"you've proved yourself, I hope we meet again hanagiki"

'how the hell did he know my name!?'

ignoring that michi changed his gaze to the two guys on the ground

the peach-haired guy was conscious and holding the guy next to him

he only had a few bruises and scrapes

the blue-haired person he was holding was unconscious and seemed to have some worse injuries 

takemichi walked closer to them and bent down

"let me take you to my house it's not far from here, I want to treat you" takemichi gave a bright smile

the peach-haired guy looked hesitant but knew he needed to be treated

"o-okay, but if you hurt my brother I'll kill you"

takemichi smiled at the protective brother

"of course, let's get going, I'm hanagiki takemichi"

"call me smiley, this is angry"

1451 words <3

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

our hero - michi harem ✿जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें