accidents happen y'know:(

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(guys you have been dating for a year and half okay i know thats a lil soon but who cares😭😭love at first sight am I right....)

You were grinding on each other until he flipped you over. You let out a small gasp as he did. He look at you before you nodded and gave hin the 'go ahead' He slowly inserted into you "Nghh~" you let put. He let you adjust until you let him. He pulled out and rammed back into you causing you to let out a loud moan. He pinned your arms above you with one of his hands while he used the other to choke you. "Your such a dirty slut for master aren't you?" (STOP IM CRINGING😭😭😭) Billy said ad he choked you slightly harder.

You nodded trying your best to keep in your moans. he smirked and started slamming into you causing your to moan. "S-shit~" you said. Billy gave. you a glared but then continued to slam into you. He pulled out and flipped you around so you ass was not in the air. He shoved it and continued slamming into you. "Remember the rules darling, no cussing" he smirked and slapped your ass "Ngh!~" you let out.

He grabbed you by your hair making your head go back while he slammed into you once again. "Billy~ I'm gonna cu-! AHhh~~" you tried to say before you came. He slammed into you a bit more and came. You felt his warm semen slowly drip out. You both were panting. "Round 2?" he asked. "Why not...but....only if you let me ride you..." you said in between breaths.He sighed and nodded "fine..." He started making out with you once again and kissing you neck.

He flipped you on top of him.   You grabbed his dick slowly inserting into you. You began riding him at a slow pace at first but gradually became faster. "God~ hmmph~" you said as you came. You slowed down and i guess billy didn't like that because he flipped you over and started slamming into you again making you cry out his name. After 2 minutes he finally came. You took a break before continuing for 5 more round.

•time skip•

You woke up quite exhausted. You realized you guys fell asleep from exhaustion without showering and sighed. "Billy wake up...lets go shower." You said shaking him. "4 more minutes..." You sighed "Alright fine shower alone i guess" You saw as he shot his eyes open and sat down quickly. "Lets go!" he said picking you up. "BILLY PUT ME DOWN!" he smirked. He turned on the shower and put you into the freezing water "ladies first" he said smiling as you let put a shriek. He chuckled and then got in when the water was warm.

You grabbed your shampoo and washed your hair, while Billy got his. You finished washing up before Billy so you wrapped a towel around you and went to your closet to get your clothes. You looked to the left where your costume was hidden. "Shit.." you mumbled since it wasn't there you looked around and couldn't find it. You sighed and grabbed your clothes and changed. After Billy finally got out he went to his closet and got changed.

He left the room and you got back to searching for your costume. (the one you used to kill) Put of no where you heard "Looking for this princess?" You quickly turned around. "Huh...?" You panicked as you saw the costume in his hand. "Huh...what no I wasn't i was looking ..for my black heels." He nodded slightly "Oh yeah these?" He said showing them. " yes...those...?" you said making it sound like a question. "Look I'm not angry but next time tell me i dont wanna lose you."

You nodded in defeat "Alright fine. Yeah i was looking for that"you said slowly. "Alright well breakfast is done." You nodded. 'HOW TF DID I GET AWAY WITH THAT' you thought. You went to the kitchen and ate your breakfast. "Y/n I have to go!" You nodded and he grabbed his things and left. After you ate you went back into your bedroom to look for the ring you got for you and Billy and saw the condoms that you found. It then hit you that he came inside you and it had already dried when you got into the shower. "OH SHIT" you yelled. You were praying that you didn't get pregnant but decided to keep quiet and test your self in 2 months.  You kept quiet then cleaned the house before doing your classwork and hw online. After 5 hours you finished and went into your email.

'Dear students,

You guys will be doing online school for the rest of the school year. We have decided to cut the school year short and you will be beginning your exams today. You will also graduate in a month. We wish you luck and remember to study harder!

your principle,
Mr. [Doosh bag]


'Thank god' you thought 'WAIT nvm how tf am i gonna pass...' You sighed and started studying for 3 more hours. You finally got up and made yourself and sandwich. You finished eating and went to the couch to watch something. You turned on the TV and watched it for about 2 minutes, before your eyes felt very heavy. Next thing you know you were asleep.




Im aware that the smut sucks but idc anyways. So I know i updated very late...... but im gonna update on Saturdays now. Also im about to kms not kidding hah. Anyways so Im going to leave 8 comments for you guys to decide the gender of the baby(s) and the decision of how many. But ALSO comment hi under them alright alright. Uh slay If you don't choose before next saturday then like sorry you dont get a choice im picking twins. 😪 BECAUSE IM A TWIN  SLAYY<333

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