Chapter 4: "It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better"

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The bleak sunlight enters Steve's room with a prominent glow, awaking Eddie who groans and hides under the blanket he is wrapped in to avoid the light that joins him in bed. He does not want to wake up, he has finally gotten a good nights rest again. At this rate, Eddie wishes he could sleep peacefully forever. He had forgotten what it was like and he missed it dearly.

Realizing there was no chance he was going to be able to fall back asleep, he slowly pokes his head from under the covers and searches for Steve. Yet, Steve was not beside him. In fact, Steve was no where in the room at all. Eddie is confused, he could have sworn he fell asleep with Steve last night. That's right, he did fall asleep with him the night before, Eddie remembers. He blushed at the thought of it. The image of him wrapped so tightly and warmly in Steve's embrace flashes through his mind. He wonders where Steve could have gone.

He arises from the bed and recalls the fact that he was also wearing Steve's clothes as well. Maybe this hoodie and sweatpants didn't look so bad on him. Still, Eddie isn't much of a fan of it. It was definitely not his style.

He opens the bedroom door and wanders downstairs. The smell of bacon fills the crisp aroma as he makes his way down the steps of Steve's house. As he peaks into the kitchen, he observes Steve making breakfast while humming to himself. Eddie snickers. He finds this version of Steve to be rather quite adorable. He didn't know that Steve knew how to cook, the thought had never crossed his mind before. He concludes that maybe he underestimated him.

"So, you're a chef now too? Didn't know you were the king of everything and anything." Eddie teases.

Steve jumps as his eyes meet Eddie's. He hadn't known Eddie was standing there.

"Sheesh, how long have you been standing there for, stalker?" Steve asks him. He is a bit embarrassed.

"Long enough." Eddie responds. "You looked adorable for a second there." Eddie teases.

"Oh, shut it Munson." Steve sighs. "We both know you enjoyed it a little too much."

Eddie makes his way towards Steve and kisses him softly on the cheek.

"Well, good morning to you, too." Steve says as Eddie pulls away.

"Morning, king." Eddie speaks. "So, what are you making?" He asks.

"Oh, I was just making us eggs and bacon. Figured we could eat before we head out. I have work in an hour, and I gotta pick up Robin before I head over. My plan is to drop you off and then pick her up since I know you have to get ready for school later and all." Steve answers him.

"Awe, you want me gone so soon?" Eddie teases as he makes a jokingly sad face.

"That's not it, Munson. If I didn't have work today, I'd spend the day with you, but we both have things we have to get done." Steve responds. "Besides, you'll see me later anyway as we venture to Ms. Snyder's house for your Thursday session. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?"

Eddie had forgotten about his sessions with Ms. Snyder. Well, maybe not entirely, but his head had been so overly consumed by the thought of Steve that Steve was all he could think of or about. However, this meant that he got to see him later, which excited him a little bit. So, yeah, maybe it did sound like fun to him.

"Yeah, right, right." Eddie says as he sits down at the island table before him. "Fun."

"Well, eat up." Steve says as he serves Eddie a plate with bacon and eggs on it. Eddie smiles as Steve then opens the fridge, pours a glass of orange juice, and passes Eddie the glass. Steve was acting so much like a mom to him. The mom Eddie still wished he had. Steve sits on the chair next to him and the two eat their breakfast and talk for the following minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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