Backrooms Level idea

25 3 6

Level 412531, or level Daycare
Survival difficulty: 1?
Devoid of harmful entities

Physical description:
Level Daycare is finite and appears to be like a preschool, with brightly colored puzzle piece carpet throughout and various drawings and paintings. The walls are pale blue and there are small lanterns in pastel colors hanging from the ceiling. There is a common area, napping room, snack counter, music room, reading room, and outdoor playground. The common area contains children's toys such as dolls, stuffed animals, toy cars, blocks, etc. The napping room has small bunks with comfortable blue mats on them, and lots of cuddly stuffed animals. The music room contains toy microphones, pianos, and other instruments. The snack counter and surrounding tables have a rack filled with bags of chips and crackers, a box of smaller packages such as goldfish, and a cooler filled with drinks traditionally enjoyed by young children, such as juice boxes and chocolate milk. The outdoor play area has slides, monkey bars, a jungle gym, and a central oak tree with a treehouse.

Level Daycare contains child or baby versions of normally dangerous entities such as smilers and partygoers. There are also two adult facelings who will randomly wander the level and make sure everything is under control. They will reprimand you if you are misbehaving, and send you to the nap room for a timeout. If you ask one nicely for something such as paper or crayons, they will give it to you. At night, all the entities disappear. The children are picked up by adult versions of the entity, and the facelings will leave, but not before offering that you go with them. If you accept, you will leave the level and be sent to a random level with a survival difficulty of 2 or less. If you decline, you will be there until the next day. An adult humanoid serving as janitor comes in and cleans at night. Helping him out with the cleaning will persuade him to tell you stories about the backrooms, but he won't get angry if you don't help.

Resources: almond water(pretty rare), potato chips, Lucky-O Milk, microwave corndogs, and apple juice. All food and drink on this level is safe to consume.

Other: day/night cycle is random. Children will sometimes be seen catching juvenile male deathmoths in jars much like human children would catch butterflies or fireflies.

You can enter by no-clipping through any floor with a brightly colored carpet, or falling asleep in a bed with a blue mat. You can exit by no-clipping through any wall, ceiling, or floor, but this is not recommended. You can also exit by accepting the facelings' offer to go with them in the evening.

(Any thoughts on this? I spent a long time making this up, and I'm pretty proud of it)

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