Whoopsies - Blue x Reader

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Reader is a student who was kidnapped and doesn't have a specified gender in this oneshot. They will be addressed to as they/them, but since it's you, you can address them by any pronouns you want when speaking about them. 

TW: Drowning

Your POV- 

You ran around in circles through the facility desperately trying to find the fuses. 

"Y/N, I forgot where the theatre is, can you show me again?" A classmate of yours, Penelope, known as Penny for short, walked over. 

"You just need to follow the blue arrows." You pointed at an arrow on the wall. 

"Can you go with me? I'm too scared to go alone." Penny smiled sheepishly. 

"Fine, alright..." You agreed. You wanted to remain alone this night, but you didn't want to disappoint Penny. Besides, what if she got killed? 

You and Penny walked into a forest looking area. This was the place right outside the room you had all been trapped in. 

You elected to go the long way due to Green camping the closest entrance to the theatre and neither of you wanted to take a risk. 

As you walked into a hallway with a single locker, Blue entered the door through the other side of the hallway. He noticed the two of you and started running to you, his arms were wide open, trying to catch you. 

You were about to grab your box when Penny grabbed it. 

"I'm sorry! I lost my box!" Penny yelled. She threw it over her and crawled away. You backed up and fell into a body of water. 

You tried to swim, but some sort of rope wrapped around your leg. You were trapped under the water. 

Things got worse when you accidentally breathed in a gulp of water in your panic. 

At least I'm not getting killed by some cartoon character. 

After a few minutes of struggling, you closed your eyes and accepted the embrace of death. 

Blue POV-

I saw two people at the end of the hallway. Perfect. I started rushing towards them when the girl took the box of the other student, if I can remember that's where they hide, and ran off without them, leaving them with me. 

I quickened my pace when the student backed up. 

They're gonna fall into the river. 

I started going faster. For some reason, I was scared for them. 

When they plunged down, they didn't come back up. I tried reaching down for them but they were too far down for my arms to reach. I was too big to squeeze past the trash left in the water. 

So with all of my strength, I pushed it away and dove in. I noticed they weren't awake. There was an old rope that help the attraction run tied around their leg. I punched the rope and it broke, it was still wrapped around their leg, but at least it wasn't attached underwater. 

I held them and got back up out of the water. I leaned against the wall and sat down, holding them in my arms. 

They didn't seem to be breathing. I remember watching some nurses and medical professionals perform this one procedure back when the show was running and somebody was choking. 

It wouldn't hurt to try right? 

Your POV- 

You slowly started coming to your senses and THE FUCKING BLUE MONSTER KISSING YOU WHAT THE- 

That was when you leaned to the side and coughed up a bunch of water. 

Oh. He was performing CPR on you... 

Wait why am I disappointed at that what the fuck is wrong with me. 

You were about to speak but started coughing up water again. 

"Are you okay?" 

Blue asked. You looked up. 

"Wait you're able to speak? Can the others speak?" You asked. 

"Yeah but I don't know what to say when chasing people. Saying stuff like "roar i'm going to get you" is cheesy. Groans and actual roaring make me scarier." Blue said. "Especially since my voice sounds so goofy." 

"Goofy voices can be creepy. I've watched enough horror movies to know that." You pointed your index finger up in a matter of fact pose. 

"I don't know what to say though." Blue slightly tilted his head back in thought

"Say something like your old iconic voice lines for your show. Say something that would sound friendly usually, but would sound threatening in the context of you chasing somebody." You listed. That's when everything processed in your mind. 

You jumped out of Blue's lap and backed up. 

"Wait- I just realized I'm talking to the monster that's trying to kill me!" You yelled. Blue approached you but then pulled you back into his lap. 

"I don't know why I don't want to harm you, but I don't. You need to relax for now, maybe when Red lets you go, you should go to a hospital." Blue said. "You know I saved you from drowning right?" 

"Oh. Whoopsies. Thanks..." You nodded. 

"I can help protect you from any danger. But you need rest for now." Blue snuggled you close. You were about to ask who Red was before you fell back asleep. 

Blue's precious we stan Blue and the rest of the Rainbow Friends under this roof 

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