Bombs and Bucharest

Start from the beginning

A news channel popped up; the newscaster had a grave expression as they read the headline.

"A bomb hidden in a news van ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than seventy people have been injured. At least twelve are dead, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, also known as The Winter Soldier..."

Betty dropped the cup in her hand not feeling the scalding coffee as it splashed up her legs.

"Shit," she whispered. "Bren, it's not him."

"Betty, I mean, it looks like him, and they have his name." Bren said, carefully.

"It can't be Bren, I swear, he's that...anymore."


"No, Bren. I'm not believin' that he's do this. I gotta call Steve." Betty said, panicking.

"C'mon, c'mon, pick up!" Betty muttered through gritted teeth, almost hopping from one foot to another with impatience.

The phone rang out for what seemed like a lifetime before Steve answered the videocall. Sam stood in the background looking intensely at some holoscreens.

"Steve, finally! Have you seen the news? It wasn't him Steve, I know it wasn't him." Betty was almost frantic.

Shaking his head, Steve sadly replied "It looks bad Betty. They've got him on camera. Sam got the footage and it's not doctored."

"I'm tellin' you Steve, IT WASN'T HIM! Someone's framed him." Desperation sounded in her voice.


"He's not IN fuckin' Vienna, Steve!" she almost shouted, raking a hand through her hair.

Steve's eyes flashed to meet hers and even Sam looked up in surprise.

"Where is he then, Betty? Because it sure looks to the whole world like he's in Vienna and has just bombed the UN, assassinating the damn King of Wakanda!"

Sighing in resignation, Betty gritted out, "He's in Bucharest. He's been there for over a year."

"How do you know that, Betty? How could you possibly know that?" Suspicion and hurt sounded in Steve's voice.

"He told me," she said quietly, closing her eyes, not wanting to acknowledge the feeling of betrayal.

"What the fuck?!" Sam shouted from the back of the room. Betty's eyes flew open again. "How did he manage to tell you that Rogers? I've had eyes and ears everywhere and I've not had a sniff of the guy since the Triskelion fell. He's a ghost."

Betty's eyes were downcast. She couldn't bring herself to look at the hurt spread across Steve's face.

"I spoke to him on the bank after he pulled you out of the Potomac, Steve. He'd dislocated his shoulder and I convinced him to let me heal it. I told him about the exhibition at the Smithsonian and that I preferred to visit just before closin'. He eventually showed up, so I gave him a burner phone and some cash. We've messaged a little."

"GODDAMNIT ELIZABETH," roared Steve, slamming his fist on the table. "He's my best friend, he'! How could you keep something like that from me? Why didn't you tell me?" Anger and hurt seeped out of every syllable.

Betty finally looked up, her heart breaking not only for Steve, but for Bucky too.

"He asked me not to," her voice broke. "At least not yet. He wasn't ready but he's been tryin' to remember. I'm sorry Stevie, I'm so, so sorry, but I had to respect his wishes. He's been through so much. So much worse than us."

"You had to respect his fucking wishes?" spat Sam. "The hell you did! Why did you even listen to the guy at all?! He's an assassin and a terrorist!" he shouted at the end.

"Because he's my fuckin' HUSBAND!" Betty matched his volume.

Sam's jaw dropped and, through her rage-filled gaze saw Steve's head drop as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Say. That. Again?" said Sam, incredulity written across his face.

"I take it golden boy didn't share that juicy little nugget with you then?" Betty almost sobbed. "And do you know what makes it a thousand times worse? He doesn't fuckin' remember. I'm back to bein' Betty Rogers, Captain America's sister. He thinks I'm bein' kind for YOUR sake, Steve. He remembers the 107th, the Commandos, London, my goddamn nurses, even me patchin' you all up after every mission. But he doesn't remember what we had together or how much I love him, and it kills me!" Her voice did break then, as tears rolled down her face.

"Betty, I..."

"Save it, Steve." She sniffed, swiping her hand across her wet cheeks. "There's nothin' that can be done about it. I just have to deal"

"Could you not, just, tell him?" asked Sam.

Betty shook her head. "They won't be valid memories if he can't remember on his own and that'll do more harm than good. He wouldn't be able to trust them as the truth. They'll be after him. Everyone will be after him. You need to go and get him. I'll stay with Fury and see what I can do to help from here, then let me know where to meet you."

Sam nodded in the background but the expression on Steve's face nearly broke her again.

"I'll get him back Betty"

"I know you will Steve. Don't tell him. Please. He needs to remember on his own."

"Understood." With a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, Steve ended the call. Betty stood for a few moments to gather her thoughts before turning back to her monitors to search for intel on Bucky and then had a thought. She picked up the phone again and dialled.


"Sharon? It's Betty. Umm, I have a ridiculously massive favour to ask."

"What can I do?" Sharon's interest was piqued.

"James Barnes. Any intel?"

"The Winter Soldier? Yeah, the JTCT have almost got his location pinned. Why?"

"Steve needs it all."

"What?" she said, incredulously.

"Please Sharon. It's more important than you know. Please."

Sharon could hear the desperation in Betty's voice. "OK Betty. I'll see what I can do." She sighed in resignation.

"Thank you. Thanks so much Sharon. You have no idea how much this means to me...and Steve."

"It's not going to be pretty Betty; you know that right? We've got orders to shoot on sight."

Betty gulped down her revulsion but managed to steady her voice enough to reply "I know Sharon. Thanks again."

"Bye Betty. I hope this all works out for you."

"Yeah, me too." She said, sadly, but the call was already disconnected.

Betty had one last job to do before she needed to gather her things together and leave. Picking up the phone she took a deep, shaky breath, and tapped out a message. This was going to change everything.

Bucky had been and bought plums. He scoffed at himself for considering it but, beyond all reason, he trusted Betty's advice. Then he noticed the news vendor, saw the article, his face flashed all over the world for one crime that he hadn't committed. He stalked back towards his tiny apartment through the back streets, his heart starting to pound from the adrenaline. Every sense on high alert. Stopping in front of a waste bin he pulled out the burner phone that he kept in his pocket like a comfort blanket. There was a message.

I've seen the news. I know it wasn't you. I've told Steve where you are. I'm sorry. I just want you to be safe.

Safe? He laughed bitterly. He'd never be safe. Doing what he should have done from the start he took the phone in his metal hand and crushed it, grinding the SIM card between his fingers until it was unrecognisable. He deposited the crumbs of plastic in the waste bin and continued on his way. He didn't mourn the loss of the phone as much as he thought he would.

He'd memorised the only number stored in it months ago.

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