10. "Thank you"

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The next few moments passed by Chloe like a blur. The Narnians and Telmarines were fighting each other in every direction. Dead bodies were lying around all over, most of them getting trampled on by the remaining fighters.

She was swinging her sword at everyone who charged towards her, blocking attacks from all around.

The cry's of pain and battle drifted away, and the only thing Chloe could hear was her own heartbeat, and a ringing in her ears that grew louder by the minute.

She could only really focus on the weight of her sword, the way she was moving her feet without thinking twice, the way she left behind bodies of her former associates.

"Chloe!" A voice behind her pulled the girl out of her trance.

"Peter, are you okay?" Chloe asked, seeing the distraught face in front of her.

"We have to go, come on!" He grabbed Chloe's arm and pulled her with him towards his horse, dodging attacks here and there.

When they finally made it to the horse, a centaur ran towards the gate quickly, but stopped at Peter's call.

"Take her with you."

"What? Peter what the hell?! What's happening?" Chloe protested as she was lifted up onto the centaur's back.

"We're losing, okay?" He shouted while killing two Telmarines who were about to attack him. "You were right."

Chloe and the centaur took off, while Peter followed quickly.

Chloe watched in horror as the minotaur holding the gate up was shot multiple times, and eventually lost power.

The gate closed harshly down on him, and the Narnians who were still inside the gate were being slaughtered like lambs.

Peter looked between the two halves of his army. One without escape, and the other, having all the opportunity to leave.

The anxiety on his face was almost heartbreaking. But as nearly every Narnian behind the gate nodded at him, Peter took off, leaving his remaining troops inside the castle, where they all awaited death.


Not one word was spoken by anyone on the way back.

More than half of the troops that was brought had died.

Peter's plan had failed, Trumpkin was hurt, barely managing to stay alive, Caspian had let his emotions get the better of him, and Chloe just found out about her real father.

Father. That was no title Miraz deserved to own. Not Lord, not King, and especially not father.

Walking in the front with Peter, Caspian, Susan, Nikabrik and the professor, Chloe was met with the sight of Lucy along with many others, upon arriving home.

"What happeened?" Lucy asked in a mere whisper, looking hopelessly out on the small crowd.

"Ask him." Peter threw a nasty look at Caspian.

"Peter." Susan said disapprovingly.

"Me?" Caspian asked in disbelief.

"You could have called it off, there was still time." He stopped dead in his tracks.

"No, there wasn't, thanks to you." Peter turned around, looking both sorrowful and angry.

"If you had kept to the plan, those soldiers might've been alive right now." He spat, turning around to walk again, but stopped once Caspian talked back.

"But if you'd just stayed like I suggested, they definitely would be!" he shouted.

"You called us, remeber?" Peter said, stepping closer to the Telmarine boy.

Ephemeral (Peter pevensie x oc)Where stories live. Discover now