☆ Jackson storm headcannons with a s/o ☆

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He will always listen to you he may not respond back but Storm will listen and remember what you said

He love it if you come to all his races and Storm would try to win just for you

Storm would be nervous about your guy's relationship at first but would slowly let you in more

He tries to keep calm around you not wanting his anger problems getting in the way and saying something he doesn't mean

He has a weird laugh and only does it around you or Ray

Expect to get energy drinks from him all the time as a small gift

He would buy you small gifts and act like he doesn't know anything about them

Storm wouldn't like to talk about you to paparazzi or chick show he doesn't want the news getting up in his life and making fake drama about you or him

He actually wouldn't want to tell anyone about you two not that he's embarrassed storm just doesn't want people in his space the only one he might tell is his team

Storm would never tell you this but he talks about you all the time during practice to ray

You would have to force this man to actually sleep or wake up he has sleeping problems

Storm would love to play video games with you

He won't take gifts from you storm thinks he has to give all the gifts to you not you giving him gifts

He would make fun of all the shows / movies you pick out because their "lame"

He would tease and pick on you but never takes it to far

He would talk none stop about the people he races with all of his cups he won anything about racing and this man will talk your ear off

Same with video games he will talk your ear off about them

Cars headcannons Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora