🧪- Experiment-🧪

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Slight TW: Description of medical setting and mid procedure awareness/mentions of nudity, needles, implications of assault//unconsented to medical procedures and kidnapping.


With closed eyes and limited motor function, I know I am in a tank of liquid. It's warm on my bare skin but feels...odd. Hopefully its some safe water based solution.
But I can't focus on that right now. I'm more concerned by the fact that I can't seem to open my eyes, I'm naked and there are tubes going in and throughout my body. The very idea of someone having touched me would make my skin crawl...well if I could feel my skin!
It feels like the blood in my veins is hot and adding to how heavy my body feels.
There's no ignoring the absolutely horrid feeling of a tube going down my throat and two others in my nose. They're securely in place by a mask that's covering just up to my eyes and a little over my chin.
I can but can't breath.
I can but can't feel.
My heart feels like it should be racing and like I'm going to start panicking...but it's calm despite my growing awareness. On both wrists are bindings and something pumping into my veins. Whatever is going into that needle I can only tell is likely giving my body something to keep me alive.

This is a nightmare.

Whatever that substance is, I can feel it interfering with my quirk I think. Or perhaps amplifying it? What the fuck is going on!
|Why am I naked?!
Who the fuck touched me let alone hooked me up to this shit?
I feel like I can emit something...something almost like dust?|

Gradually, I'm regaining feeling in my fingers and toes, my skin, muscles, organs and bones. It's such a bizarre feeling to experience; all components of my body are waking up and regaining functionality.
Although the sounds are garbled, I can tell there is someone else in the room. With that suddenly in mind, I keep movement to a minimum and refocus to maintain level breathing.

|I have to keep my heart rate down and breath softly as if I were still asleep.|

Whoever is in the room with me, can't know I'm awake. With the years of experience and training I have, I know the my only chance of getting out depends on my ability to go with the act until I'm alone.
    Why is it my sense of sight is so abnormal? I can kinda tell the water is mostly normal and consists of some saline solution.
With a teleportation sort of quirk like mine, I normally can use different reflective surfaces as location points. It's name is Kaleidocation. With each point of reflection, I can go to any of the sometimes countless points in a blink. It's pretty simple; I can use any mirror or reflective surface in sight or in proximity of visible ones, even water. All I have to do is touch the reflective object and blink which usually causes the reflective dots on my body to glow. I can also be semi particular about which ones glow so as to be discreet. But my quirk feels different now...


(Note: the users body has immediately visible holographic dots varying in size and in different areas of the body. They appear to be white or very pale unless the quirk is activated. They can appear and disappear as needed but 5 are always visibly on the body. There are some primary dots that can't be hidden; located below both eyes and between the clavicles. Dots that can be summoned and hidden, typically appear on the the shoulders, heels upper thighs about where the fingertips end, hipbones, both ankles, lower back where dimple indents are and a dot between the shoulder blades and the center of the back.

****Will insert illustration here!****

The users nails and hair also have traces of excess shine unlike that of normal haïr. If all dots are covered, the users quirk won't work as well.


|Somehow...my quirk doesn't feel at all how I remember.|
It's as though its suddenly become an emitter  type instead of just a partial mutation and primary augmenting one. So now, not only can I sense points of reference within a few feet of me...but also with my eyes closed?!
|How the hell does that even work?!?|
On top of that, those few objects and surfaces are adding to my ability to sense more reflective objects further and further away; Throughout the room, the door, down a hall, into other rooms, to the stairs, roof, far off halls...the exit, the road...what makes me think of it as an emitter type is the tingling at my fingers, toes and basically all over. It occurred at the same time that I noticed my ability to visualize a sort of outlined black print of my surroundings and the reflective sources without even having my eyes open.

((((Comment if you want an illustration and I'll gladly oblige))))

I can't help but take a couple minutes to get used to being able to see out 1 almost 2 blocks away from where I am, an abandoned hospital. My normal limit would usually only let me see half a block away, and my eyes aren't even open!
|Whats been done to me? Am I still even in Japan? I think I am?!|
To make sure, I skip through some points on opposite sides and thankfully see a sign I can read enough to feel reassured...| Wait... I can skip through points! Normally I have to follow the maze of various lights! Well that's handy. Speaking of hands-|
I begin to notice a slight discomfort amidst my quirk testing.
|Wherever the fuck I am, I need to get out and get help.
All Might wouldn't answer, Tsukauchi...but I don't know his number! Endeavor...probably wouldn't care.
Is Shota still upset with me? He said he'd always be here for me if I ever needed him...|
The thought of our last little fight makes me wanna cry...well if I could.
|Pump the breaks. I can open my eyes again!|I can also see the reflective dots on my body through a metal cabinet but it's not just the dots I can see. The tank of water is reflecting water yes but also something coming from mostly my hands, feet, neck and head with the same reflective substance that are the same kind of brightness as my dots.
My limbs aren't as heavy, my body feels extremely uncomfortable with all the tubes and IVs that are in various points of my body.

Whoever was in the room, left a few minutes ago. They're about 3 floors up and at the opposite corner of the hospital.
Taking a moment to internally check my body, I feel slightly disoriented and weak. But I'm safe and my body seems mostly normal.

|I'll start really small, that should work right?...well not like I have a choice!|
Looking over my body in the water with open eyes, the sting isn't too bad. I focus on my leg that only has a band around the ankle that's simply keeping me from floating up. The substance that had the same brilliance as my dots looks like a diluted version of how bath bomb water.
One blink and my ankle flashes briefly and is no longer in the band.
|Okay there's no time to waste|
Quickly I sense the area around me and choose a point.
Another blink;
There's not a lot of noise caused by the use of my quirk. Aside from the liquid I was submerged in that is now gathering in a puddle beneath me, I'm okay. It seems like I've lost lost some muscle which is annoying but to bitch about later. With the tube out of my throat, I can feel the discomfort caused by having it inserted. Not to mention the sting from where the needles and tubes were. I can't think about that right now or I'll hurl thinking of how many and where they were.

Unvoluntary quirk experimentation Where stories live. Discover now