Demetri X Hawk Moments and the Fangirling That Followed

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hey everyone! So this one is just going to be short, cute moments between Demetri and Hawk that Miguel and/or Sam witnessed and fangirled about. And yes, there is an entire group chat for those that ship the two. And yes, everyone except the senseis are in the group chat. The only reason they aren't is because a group chat with the senseis in it would be terrifying. And no one wants a spam of "yes sensei" messages. Also Hawk is short in this. Why? Because. Enjoy!

---Early Mornings---(slight mention of weed)

The group, which was more or less the students of Miyagi-Fang that were friends, was laughing and talking near Demetri, Hawk, and Miguel's lockers. They were waiting for the first bell to ring, signifying the beginning of the school day. It was seven fifteen in the morning.

Thankfully, the trio's lockers were near the front entrance, so they could see who was coming in. Demetri kept glancing over, looking for a bright purple mohawk to make its way through the entrance.

" Demetri, what do you keep looking at? Or for?" Someone asked. Demetri looked over and gave them an " are you dumb? " look.

" Do you see a bright purple haired kid who's half a foot shorter than me here? I'm waiting for Hawk," he said, rolling his eyes slightly as he leaned against the lockers.

" Why?" They asked again. Two other conversations still carried on, one being about... paper clips? They were arguing quite loudly about it. Whatever.

" Because Hawk is actually tolerable," Demetri snipped sarcastically. Miguel whined playfully and threw an arm around Demetri's shoulders.

" Oh come on Demetri, you know you love us!" Miguel encouraged.

" No I don't," Demetri said, pretending to be rude. Miguel gasped dramatically, clutching above his heart like he'd been stabbed.

" DeMeTri!! How could you say such a tHiNg?!" Miguel demanded, offended. Demetri groaned and rolled his eyes good naturedly.

" It's too early in the morning for this," he whined. Nevertheless, he was wide awake. Unlike a certain short bird that walked in the door, shuffling his feet, drowning in the oversized clothes he was wearing, head down, with bags under his eyes.

" Yo, it's Hawk! What's up?" Miguel greeted, clapping Hawk on the shoulder. Hawk groaned and laid his forehead on Demetri's chest, essentially using him as a pillow.

" What's wrong Hawk?" Miguel asked, immediately softening up, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder.

" You remember the five-forty roundhouse we were working on during lessons yesterday?" Hawk asked. Miguel nodded, immediately concerned. Hawk paused to yawn, yawning into Demetri's chest, where he still laid his head. By now Demetri was holding Hawk close.

" Remember how I was struggling to do it? And Sensei Lawrence was giving me shit for it?" Hawk asked. Miguel winced in sympathy and nodded.

" I stayed up all night last night, practicing it and drilling it step by step," Hawk explained cheekily, however his tone was full of regret.

" HAWK WHAT THE FUCK?!" Miguel demanded, being his usual overdramatic self. Hawk winced at the volume.

" Not so loud, please. I have a headache," Hawk groaned. Demetri cooed quietly. It was everything Miguel and everyone else could do to not squeal in excitement.

" What from?" Demetri asked, voicing his concern. Hawk mumbled incoherently, then finally spoke up.

" I hit my head a lot cuz I fell a lot. Like, I smacked my head on my bedpost, the floor, my door, the corner of my dresser. Managed to smack it on a metal pipe I had laying around. That and I drank a lot of monster. Like, a lot a lot," Hawk groaned.

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