Craig decided to go under the bleachers to kick it there the whole game until he finds Clyde again. But that's when he saw him. It was Clyde only..Clyde was dead. Just kidding. He isn't dead. This ain't one of those murder mystery stories. But..he was pretty drunk. Craig speed walked over.

"WHAT THE FUCK CLYDE!? I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU FOREVER! AND THIS IS WHERE YOUR AT!?" Clyde didn't even look Craig's way. He just continues to look down. At nothing. "Clyde! Hey! Clyde wake the FUCK up! Hello!? Clyde wake up! Hey hello!?" Clyde didn't move. "Time to wake up! Time to wake! Can you hear me!? Wake up Clyde! C'mon!" Finally Clyde spoke.

"They came with girls, man." Craig was filled with bewilderment. "What?" Silence. "They came with girls.. except Tweek he came with another guy but...they didn't even invite us...they ditched us for..dates.." Craig grew silent. "Who did..?" He asked this even though he had an..idea who these unknown people were. 

"Our.. friends..Token, Tweek, and Jimmy..." Craig sighed as he sat next to Clyde. "Clyde.. remember when we first met?" Clyde whipped his face full of clear crystal tears. "Yea, how could I forget?" He smiles. "Remember how you said we'd always be friends?" Clyde nods. "Well..that doesn't apply to everyone. People just...Grow up...not everyone is supposed to stay forever..and maybe that's not a bad thing."

"Is this kinda referencing when Tweek broke up with you?" There was a deep, painful silence. " could say. Tweek amazing boyfriend. But childhood relationships don't last. It's supposed to build us." Clyde nodded. "Your right...they weren't supposed to stay forever. They we're supposed to build us. I'll.. always remember and cherish the moments we had together; ...but I guess... it's time we...grow up."

Clyde didn't really...feel like himself when he said those words; and Craig could tell but, it's true, they need to grow up and face reality. Craig then nudges Clyde. "Hey, C'mon. You dragged me to this retarded game. I want you to enjoy it. Forget about them. Maybe after we could crash Token's after party." Craig with a genuine warm smile. Clyde's face glowed. "He's having an after party!?"

Craig nods while starting up a cigarette. "Yea..Kenny McWhoreMick told me in the bathroom." Clyde smiles. "Hell yeah we'll go."




They won the fucking game. It was a miracle. They were losing. Until Stan randomly showed up. Drunk probably. The coach forced Stan onto the field for once. Stan caught the ball as everyone started screaming Stan's name. "STAN! STAN! STAN!" You could probably hear the echo for miles. It was crazy. Then. Stan did the impossible. He manages to not get tackled down while, being drunk, and he scored the winning touch down.

Everyone was screaming, hugging each other, couples kissing each other. It was amazing. Clyde was yelling pretty loud himself. Even Craig  yelled a bit while clapping his hands. He's team mates carrying him away, treating him like a hero.. Craig could only imagine how...Stan was feeling at this very moment.

He probably feels, happy, for once he was actually playing, and he did it. They're going to the next game. And he's a highschool hero. That's a highschool experience everyone longs for. And Stan Marsh was the lucky mother fucker to get that. "WE'RE GOING TO NEXT GAME!" Craig laughs looking at Clyde.

"Maybe for once they'd actually take our school seriously." He laughs a bit. Clyde nods. "MHM! FINALLY! I won't be getting DMs at fucking 3am in the morning telling me our football team school sucks!" Craig raises and eyebrow. "Seriously? That's honestly something dude."

"𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐮𝐩"  //𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜// Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora