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(Italics - Thoughts, Bold - POV)

Shiba Miyuki

Mother always told me that I'd like my fiancé more than I expected. 

But of course, in reality I expected nothing. I had accepted the fact that I was already engaged, but that didn't mean I was looking forward to meeting the man I was going to marry. And it surely didn't help that we hadn't met until today...

It was my turn to speak on stage as the freshman representative. I wondered why I was chosen as the representative instead of him...Yotsuba Tatsuya. Topping the theoretical exam with an unheard of 100% score coupled with his unrivaled magic prowess, in my opinion he was the obvious choice. Deep inside I was a little proud that my fiancé had made that accomplishment. 

During my speech, my eyes momentarily locked with a boy. I didn't know then that he was Tatsuya-san, but my honest thoughts were that he looked mature and handsome. Of course I instantly adverted my eyes, as a proper lady should. 

When I walked out with the president, I saw some girls shouting 'Yotsuba-kun', and then 'Tatsuya-kun' in the distance. I laid my eyes on him...it felt like the world had stopped moving me. I examined him from head to toe, and was angry that my mother's words had become the truth. The girls' screams still resounding in my ears, I had to bit my lip to keep my face from frowning. 

Calm down Miyuki, he's so famous that this will happen often, I can't throw a fit over something so minor.

But then Saegusa-senpai called out to him in a more-than-necessary familiar tone. I grit my teeth, what was this woman doing!? How can she be so...ugh! It's not like I'm jealous or anything, but she's clearly making Tatsuya-san so uncomfortable!

At one point in their conversation, when she said they were long lost lovers, I heard my inner voice say 'lets just kill her'.

When she finally left him alone, I let out a purely inward sigh. But then, before I could properly collect my thoughts, he bowed to me and introduced himself.

He voice sounded so s-sweet, especially when he spoke my name...his perfect hair clashing against the subtle wind did justice to his killer loo- WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING!?!?

Calming myself down, I introduced myself. Hopefully I had managed to capture his attention like he had min- I mean hopefully I had captured his interest. Although I would never admit it, since the moment I was announced as his fiancé, I had subconsciously put in more effort in my daily skin care. 

This Miyuki is going to make you fall so hard for me, Tatsuya-san!


Before they could get ambushed by their peers, Tatsuya whispered, "Let's get out of here" to her.

She nodded and they quickly giddied out of there. Her gaze was constantly on his broad shoulders as he walked in front of her. Her mind drifted back to Okinawa, and her feet had unconsciously stopped. Before she could start day dreaming however...

"Miyuki-san? Are not coming?" Tatsuya stopped and looked at her with concern in his eyes. He thought he had made a mistake asking her to evacuate to their classes.

"Ah! Y-Yes...Let's go." Cursing at her blunder, Miyuki quickly caught up to him and they walked to their class, 1-A.

Before entering the classroom, Tatsuya looked back at Miyuki again. She nodded to indicate she was ready, he nodded back and opened the door. 

The noise that could be heard from the outside had died down instantly. All eyes were on the boy from the Yotsuba clan, the only person to enter First High this year from a Ten Master Clan family.

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