Chapter 12 - A Surprisingly Quiet Voice

Start from the beginning

"Don't forget her familiar. He did save my life when I should have died."

They turned to the new voice and saw the Prince.

"Apologies for interrupting. I was just looking for Sir Damien. I was hoping to speak with him."

"There he is, though it seems he is in the middle of a story." Guiche told him.

"Yes. It seems so..."

The Prince approached the two as they others watched.
"So I go "sir, why are we at the cliff?" And he answered with "good question." Then without warning he launched me off the cliff. Craziest shit that's ever happened to me."

"Oh my God... No wonder you're not so surprised by much. You were launched from a cliff to enter a school."


They then notice someone approaching and notice it's the Prince.

"Oh, hey man. What's up?"

"Damien! You shouldn't be so casual with him!" Louise complained.

"Why? He's just a guy. I could give a fuck what his title is." Damien told her shrugging.

"Don't worry Louise. It's a breath of fresh air for someone to not be so formal with us."

They look to the new voice.

"Hey Ritta. Neat dress, surprised you haven't gotten anyone asking you out yet." Damien complimented looking to Henrietta.

"Thank you Damien. I appreciate the compliment."

"Princess! What brought you both here?" Louise asked looking. To the both of them.

Two royals at once. That's either good or terrible.

"Well, I simply wanted to come and thank you once again for saving my life Sir Damien. You are truly a hero. And I hear you are known as something called a Huntsman where you come from. Correct?" He asked.

Damien seemed to think.

"Well. I was a second year student before Louise saved me from death. I'm technically still a student, but the man that taught me what I know always said experience beats what combat school could ever teach. I guess I could be a Huntsman by now given my experience so far." He answered

"I see. Well, I would like to show you my thanks." The Prince handed him a rectangular box. It looked rather simple. "This is something that has been in my possession for some time now. I believe you are the person who should have it."

Damien grabbed it. He noted the weight.

"What is it?"

"A magic wand, or so I'm told. No one has been able to use it, but I have a good feeling about you." He explained.

Damien looked to the box.

"Magic wands? Why would you need a wand?" Louise asked.

"My question exactly..."

Damien put it on the table and removed to top of it.

He dropped the lid when he saw what was in it.

"You beautiful bastard!"

Damien reached in and pulled out on the "wand" and held it up.

In his hand was a Desert Eagle. A weapon from his world.

"I can't believe this is here. I missed you!"

He proceeded to... hug the gun... Louise was weirded out.

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