Chicken To Go | Gus x Reader

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Sexually implied content but nothing to



You arrive at Los Pollos Hermanos and quickly hop out of your 2006 Honda Accord EX. You start to stress out a bit but let yourself release a quick breath before pulling open the red door into the brightly lit restaurant.

"Los Pollos Hermanos, where something delicious is always cooking."

     You walk over to the counter, shyly looking around the restaurant, like a fish out of water. The man, well more than a boy than a man, looks boredly at you.
     "So like what can I get you..?" He says, barely staying awake from the conversation. Dark circles surround his eyes but you ignore it.
     "Hi, uhm... I'm here for uhm... Gus... T-The owner..." Your voice is shaky and you're surprised the man can even hear what you're saying over the loud, over filled restaurant.
     "This way," The man leads you behind the counter and towards the back of the restaurant, it's surprisingly more clean than you'd expect but knowing Gus, he'd probably throw a fit if it was any less than perfect.
      You pass by more workers that have sunken eyes and almost dead expressions. Did Gus hire zombies? You joke to yourself, but you've seen many workers come and go, hell you once were one of them...
     You finally come to a door with the words,

                ~ Owner, Gustavo Fring ~

     The employee knocks then quickly walks away, almost scared of what's to come. Then you see that stagnant, glassed face, staring you down like a police officer to a drug lord.
     "Ah, y/n, you're finally here... Come on in, sit down..." Gus sways you into the office space you've only been allowed into once or twice.
     "Look, Gus, I'm not ready yet... I need a bit more of time to-" Gus quickly puts his finger to your mouth.
     "That's not why I call you here..." You stare at him in confusion, that's the only reason he calls anyone, he runs a tighter ship than Area 51.
     "Why am I here? No offense but I know how you run this operation," You feel yourself relax a bit but you know there's more coming.
     "Look y/n, the truth is I wanted to see you, all of you..." You're flabbergasted by the thought of it, this has to be a dream. You've known him for 5 years and you see him as a mentor but you won't lie and say you aren't interested.
     "What exactly do you mean by that..?" You fidget with your sweaty fingers and feel your face turn red.
     "Oh you know what I mean..." He takes off glasses and rubs off a couple of smudges.
     "I- Well, what about our business and-"
     "Yes or no, y/n? That's all I'm looking for..."
     Without speaking you nod your head once and Gus smirks. He's much more gentle then he lets off, grabbing your hand and pulling you close to him.
     You both start to dance the Waltz, the light Los Pollos Hermanos music in the background. He dips you down the kisses you swiftly on the lips.
     His lips are soft and squishy, you're shocked and lose your balance. You fall into his desk chair, subsequently making him fall onto you.
You expect him to yell at you but he just stares before giggling and kissing you again. He unbuttons your shirt but before he can get down much further, a knock on the door is present.
He quickly gets off of you and readjusts his tie, simply waving you off.
He opens the door as you hide behind his desk and attempt to redo your buttons. You can't see it but you hear him open the door.
"Where's my payment Gus..." You heard a deep voice say. You recognize the voice as none other than Walter White.
You raise your head only to be met by hard wood. You quickly cover your mouth before making a sound but it's too late.
"Who the hell is that..?" Walter interrogates.
"No one, now why are you here? Do you have no etiquette? What if you were followed?" Gus shames him. "At least you left that little druggie out this time..."
You roll out from underneath the desk and pop up, slamming your hand on the table.
"Jesse?!" You shout.
Walter looks confused as Gus simply rubs his eyes, embarrassed.
"Is that y/n..? What in the hell are you doing here..?"
"Hi Mr. White..."

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