Chrissy Cunningham

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Family video, record store

"And then Vickie laughed , and it wasn't like a cheap, fake laugh either, it was like... it was a real, genuine laugh" Robin spoke to the guy while doing her work

"Of course she laughed, it's my muppet joke, it's hilarious" Steve said

"My point is Vickie laughed and everything was just like... it was perfect"

"But? Anna showed up?" Steve speculated

"Yes, and she came there while i was with Vickie and she looked at me and i didn't know what to do, and it's another problem that I should stop talking I've said everything I need to say, but then i get nervous, and the words they just keep spilling out, and it's like my, my brain is moving faster than my mouth, or, or rather my mouth is moving faster than my brain, and I am digging this hole for myself and i want to stop digging but I can't, and I am doing it right now, aren't I?" Robin blurted it out looking at Steve

"Yeah you are" he replied as she sighed

"I am hopeless"


Meanwhile Anna was in the small store of her company helping the customers out with whatever they needed, it was kind of stressful for her and Sebastian, a guy from her company, to handle such a well reception from the people

But in the end if she got to see and be near Robin, everything was worth it she walked over to the radio as she boosted the volume listening carefully

"We don't have a lot of details right now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins high student was discovered early this morning police have not released the name" She heard a lady's voice over the radio

"Holy shit" she mumbled as she listened carefully to where the incident happened she grabbed her coat looking at the guy "Hey Bash would you mind?" she asked the guy

"Not at all go ahead" the brown haired guy said as he saw the girl's worried face and knew something was serious

"Thanks" and she ran out to her car

Driving fast to the address she listened on the news, there, she saw multiple people, police, cars, reporters

Without another thought she ran to the door and knocked it multiple times

"Max! You there! Open the door!" She shouted as the door opened revealing an elder lady

"Yes?" She asked

"M-Max? Where is she?" Anna breathed heavily

"She went out somewhere"

"Was-was she home in the morning?"

"She might've been" The lady spoke being unsure Anna ran a hand through her hair

She made her way towards her car driving to the only place she'd go right now

She rang the doorbell and the woman with a cat opened the door

"Anna! How are you" She asked

"I am good, uh is Dustin here?" She asked

"Yes, cmon in" The lady moved letting Anna in as she went straight to Dustin's room opening it without a notice

"Dustin, do you know where Max is?" she asked before looking up and seeing Max standing there she sighed in relief


"Chrissy Cunningham?" he repeated Max's words "You are sure?"

"Yes, in her cheerleader outfit. Same thing she was in when I saw her with Eddie" Max explained

"Did you tell all this to the cops?" Anna asked from where she was sitting at Dustin's bed

"No" Max replied "No, but I, I can't be the only one who saw them together, they stood out"

"Eddie the freak with Chrissy the cheerleader?" Dustin questioned

"Exactly, you know, his name's not in the news yet or anything but I guarantee you Eddie is suspect number one right now" Max explained

"That's crazy" Dustin exclaimed "Eddie didn't do this, no way"

"We just don't know that do we?" Anna questioned

"No.Way" Dustin emphasized

"We can't rule it out" Max said

"Yes, we can"

"Dustin" Anna spoke

"You guys don't know him like I do okay?" Both the girls just sighed at his comment "When we got to high school Lucas made all his sports friends" He did a little gesture with his hands "Mike and me? I mean no one was nice to us, no one except Eddie"

"Yeah, well they said the same shit about Ted Bundy, yeah he's a super nice guy, but then he's murdering women on the weekend" Max explained

"So you're saying Eddie is like Ted Bundy?"

"No, I am not saying- I am saying that we can't presume anything okay? But it doesn't look good for Eddie" Max said as Dustin's sat beside his sister

"Why haven't you told the cops this?" Anna questioned

"I, I don't know" Max stuttered

"You don't know?" Anna asked again as Max sat on the other side of Anna

"After I saw Eddie and Chrissy go in the trailer, something else happened" Max explained to them how the electricity started crackling and she saw Eddie ran "This morning I started to think back and I don't know, the look on his face, he was scared Anna, really scared maybe he was scared because you know he just killed someone or.." Max stopped

"Something else killed her" Anna continued for the girl as she nodded

"But that's impossible right?"

"I don't know, it should be" Anna said

"There's only one person who actually knows what happened" Dustin said

"Eddie?" Max said as the three went out

"Where are you going?" Mrs Henderson asked

"To see a friend" Dustin replied opening the door

"You heard the news, it's not safe"

"I'll keep them safe, we'll be careful don't worry" Anna closed the door after Dustin and started her car when the two got in

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