I motioned for them to take a seat and order something to eat. Josh still ate his healthy food and it still looks disgusting to me. No luck on my side, I had no choice but to eat that crap as well.

"It feels surreal. I have so many memories from this place. I can't say they are all good but I did spend a lot of time here in this town," Josh spoke to no one in particular.

"It feels like we never left at some point," I stared out the window. "I don't know if coming back here was such a good idea. But there is one place I really want to check out." I looked straight at Josh and I knew instantly that my brother had the same idea on his mind.

After our meal and reminiscing with each other, we walked out of the restaurant and straight towards Baby. "Dammit, De-" he almost said Dean, "John. Baby still looks good as ever. I missed her," Josh swiped his hand down the side of her. His boy in awe of the car.

We both got in the car as if it was like we were made for it. Josh was getting choked up but would never let it show. He reached deep in his pocket and produced a small golden box. I just smiled. Ollie and Dean got in the backseat and I let the engine roar. I knew the exact way to get to the bunker.

The long deserted road seemed familiar to Oliver. It was like something he has been doing almost frequently in his life. So, why doesn't he remember this place?

The building looked exactly as we left it. Josh presented the key and open the door. It creaked open with a smell of familiarity. Carefully climbing into the bunker, we noticed something different about it. The lights were on. We knew damn well that I shut them off before we split. We climbed the steps to the bottom and looked around. The place seemed empty. Someone was using the place and the issue was, were they friendly.

Click. Someone pulled a gun on me. It was angled at the side of my face. I didn't panic. I knew I could talk my way out of this like many other times. But if I couldn't, I had my old gun on me. I slowly turned my head to see a young girl looking at me with defiant in her eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" She said in anger. She looked from one brother to the next. She slowly put the gun down. She looked harder at us over again and again. "Don't I know you?"

"No, I don't think so. We were once hunters. I'm John Singer and this is my comrade, Joshua Darr. This is my husband, Oliver Singer," I pointed to each person, "the little guy is Josh's boy." I didn't want to give out the boy's name since it could speculate to know who we really are.

Thanks to Cass, we didn't need to say more, "His name is Dean." The girl looks like something was clicking in her mind.

"Do you mind if we have a look around? We stayed here once a long time ago. It was a brief time, but we just wanted to run down memory lane," Josh said clearing his throat.

"Umm...sure. Just don't touch anything. There are sharp things that...Dean... shouldn't mess with." The real Dean stifled a laugh.

"We understand. Thank you," Josh replied. The place almost looked exactly the same as it always has. The bunker tour ended back where it started. We didn't find any of our old belongings.

Just went up to the young lady, "I'm sorry, I never got your name."

"I didn't give it." She crossed her arms, "But it's Missy."

Missy looks like to be twenty or perhaps younger. She had a nasty attitude, which was expected in this line of work. But she looked sharp. She looked like someone who was contemplating thoughts in her mind.

Josh pulled me to the side and showed me a small picture that hung on the wall in the library. It was a picture of the Winchesters and Castiel. There was another photo that showed Jack and Mary playing a board game with bright smiles on their faces. We needed to get out of here before Missy and the others saw the pictures.

"Well, I think I have seen enough of this old dusty place," I said and motioned for everyone up the stairs. Little Dean protested that he wanted to stay longer. Josh and I ushered them all out and Missy followed. We took the long way through the garage and I stopped when I saw the lookalike of Baby sitting in there.

Both Josh and I pushed them both back the way we came and almost ran to the front door. It looked very suspicious but we needed more than anything to leave that instant.

We basically ran to the Impala and climbed in. I peeled out of the driveway and saw Missy looking at the car leaving.

"This could be bad. This was such a stupid idea," I shook my head vigorously.

"It'll be okay," Josh reassured me, "We just need to leave and go our separate ways again."

"Why the hell did we give that girl our names?" I looked panicked. Hell, I am panicked. So was Josh.

Oliver and little Dean stayed silent in the backseat. Oliver was connecting dots and realizing that this place is something that we never wanted to share again. But why?

We stayed silent until we got to the restaurant. We said our goodbyes and left each other again. It wasn't as hard as it was the first time around.

"Dean," Oliver said. "Why do I know that place?"

"I'm sorry but some things in this life are better left unknown," I said solemnly. He left it at that.



The background noise from the TV was washed out from the pounding on the door. Someone was going mad and ringing the doorbell and banging on the door at the same time. Who could it be at this god-awful hour?

With a creak, the door opens swiftly, "I found them," a young hunter named Missy said. "Jody, I found the Winchesters!"

"Don't play this game with me. Those boys died heroes."

"No, it was them. Sam and Dean Winchester are alive!"

The End


Hope you have enjoyed this short story. Let me know what you think. By the way, I don't type my work on my phone, I voice command it. It is written on my personal computer. I hope I didn't miss any mistakes that I have overlooked.

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