First Family Holiday

Start from the beginning

 Then if I'm standing still for too long I do what something called a calf raise. Didn't know it was an actual workout until someone asked why I was doing calf raises all the time.

*looks at y/n's calves* Yeah that makes sense I should really pick up that routine.

So if you ask what gets me the legs of people's dreams it's my own anxiety.

Huh, you know I noticed that you did all that but I really just thought you did it to keep the legs looking good.

Nope just super anxious and doing that keeps me from thinking of all of the worst-case scenarios of any given event.

Oh and don't worry I know I described the anxiety like it was soul-crushing but I'm good.

Believe it or not, the leg exercises calm me down. 

Alright but if you ever aren't okay you know you can tell me.

I know I can. If I ever find myself overwhelmed I'll let you know but you can trust me when I say I'm good.

 I get it all out in my art or by listening to my comfort artists.

Okay so long as you're okay.

Now that we have that settled what are we doing for the fourth of July?

My family honestly just uses it as an excuse to get together and bbq.

Same so does mine.

 Every year we very much make it a point we aren't celebrating anything we're just getting together for good eats and to burn shit.

I don't even think we've done fireworks in recent years we've just gotten together grilled and swam.

That honestly sounds great.

I guess I could call Mom, Dad, and Griffin and see if they wanted to come over and hang out. 

Yeah seeing as that is in what 3 days?

That's right today is the first! So I'll call and see if they want to come over and what we want to eat.

We could also call together too, that is if you don't have anything going on right now.

Nope, nothing going on at the moment.

I mean I just have to shower but we can call your family first.

Are you sure you want to call them now?

I know you don't like being sweaty and smelly.

Yeah, I'm sure.

Gives me time to cool off from that workout and I won't have to peel these gym clothes off of my body.

I've done that when I used to surf and I will never go through that again if I can help it.

Hold on you used to surf?

I went maybe 4/5 times with some friends.

 It was fun but the whole swimming in the deep dark ocean was not for me.

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