~Chpt 1~

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"Come on this way!" I yelled to the few survivors
I had found above ground.

I lead them to the train station.
"Over here! You'll be safe here- a man named Carlos will meet you downstairs!"

They all ran into the subway and I stood outside wondering where Claire and Leon could be..

After I got all the survivors inside I made my way back out holding my gun in my hand.

I made way around the substation and through an alleyway before getting attacked by infected.
I shot their heads off and ran past as many as I could.

I picked up my radio off my belt. "Leon come in."

"Y/n? Is that you?" A voice came in but it wasn't Leon's


"Yes! It's me! We're at the courthouse near the Racoon bank! Please hurry! Leon's hurt!"

"Shit! I'm on my way!"

I ran down the alleyways and ran into a pharmacy hoping to find a first aid kit.

I found one with some alcohol, cloth and bandages

"This will do" I said out loud as I took the first aid kit with me.

I ran through the pharmacy back out and there was a group of zombies. I held my gun up as they all turned towards me. The first aid kit still in my hand only made it harder to aim.

I backed up into the aisles and ran down the aisle and ran into another trying to lose them.
I went around the store and found a back door and ran through there.

I really hope Leon can pull through...

I ran down towards the Courthouse passing more zombies and avoiding them. 

When I got to the courthouse the main door was barricaded.

"Shit! cmon!"

I went around the courthouse looking for a separate entrance.

I went down in between buildings only finding more zombies.

I shot the zombies and I ran past them they started to get back up but I did not have the time to turn back and shoot them, I just ran.

I found an opening in one of the court house windows..

I threw the first aid kit in and then I climbed in myself making a huge crashing sounds when I got the ground. The room was full of old junk.

I looked around and picked up the first aid kit.

I started to hear noises from outside the room and I panicked looking at the door immediately. I turned quickly and aimed my gun at the door as the door knob turned.

I watched the door slowly open and as I met the persons eyes I let out a sigh of relief.

"Claire thank god you're okay" I said putting my gun down in my belt.

She let out a sigh of relief as well putting her gun away and hugging me.

"It's so good to see you" she said

"It's good to see you too" I said pulling away from the hug. "Where's Leon?" I asked

"Oh- come-he's not in his best shape right now.."

I followed Claire out the room as she lead me down a hall into then attorneys lounge room. When she opened the door I saw Leon sitting up against the wall breathing hard and holding his left side.

"I'll go look for a exit while you help him!" She said
I nodded and then looked at Leon worriedly as she took off

"Holy shit Leon" I ran to him kneeling in front of him "what then hell happened?" I asked

"Crazy infected-" he said in pain.

I set the first aid kit down and opened it.

"No way regular infected can do this, Leon I can practically see your insides!"

"I know" he squeezed his eyes shut as he let his head fall back. "It was the damn lickers"

"The fuck is that?" I said grabbing a cloth and pouring alcohol on it.

"Another type of infected." He said

I looked up at his face as I lifted his shirt a little asking him for permission to lift it more and he nodded.

I began placing the cloth on his wound and he let out a grunt

"I know, I'm sorry just hang in there"

I started to clean the wound and I could tell Leon was biting his tongue.

I started to bandage the wound and he put his hand on mine i froze looking up at him as he looked at me.
"Not so tight.." he said

"Sorry." I said loosening the bandage a little.
"Thank you" he said letting his head fall back. I could tell he was in so much pain as he held his bandaged wound.

"Yea.." I said as I stared at him "you gonna be alright?" I asked

"I think so.." he said looking back at me.

Our eyes met as he stared in silence for a second.
"How's everyone else back at the station.."

"Everyone's fine" I said resting my hands on his "our priority right now is you- do You think you can make it back?"

"Yea yea I'm fine" Leon said

"You sure?" I asked looking down at his wound

"No, but you never know until you try"

"Leon.." I looked into his eyes

"Come on" he said forcing himself up.

I helped him a little letting him lean on me.

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