Meeting at the Performance Center

727 21 13

Sunday Morning

3rd Person POV

Amanda Saccomanno, known more commonly as Mandy Rose, arrives to the Performance Center and opens the door, entering the large building. Once inside, she sees many familiar faces, and some unfamiliar ones too. She doesn't pay too much attention to any of them though, as she makes her way to the women's locker room to get changed.

As she walks through the gym area, she passes Roman Reigns, who gives her a small greeting while walking in the opposite direction. She returns the greeting and continues to make her way to the locker room. Once she's at the door, a guy walks out of the men's locker room. The guy walks past Mandy and nods his head towards her, causing her to chuckle to herself.

Mandy: Now you're nervous? You just talked to me, Roman.

The guy turns around and faces her with an eyebrow raised.

Guy: Roman?

Mandy: Yes, Roman. As in your ring name.

Guy, chuckling: You got the wrong guy, girly.

Mandy, shocked: Girly?

Guy, confused: You're a girl, right?

Mandy isn't sure how to respond to that. She actually loses the ability to form anything intelligible as she looks at the much larger man. His blue eyes pierce through hers and makes her feel like he can see into her soul. He's almost a foot taller than her and looks eerily similar to the Tribal Chief. She can't help but wonder who this guy is.

Luckily for her, she'd get her answers sooner rather than later as Trinity (Naomi), Jonathan (Jimmy Uso), and Joshua (Jey Uso) happened to walk by and heard what's going on. The trio jumps in to get rid of the confusion before it causes any problems.

Jonathan: Mandy, this is Jacob. He's Joe's younger brother.

Trinity: And he was just messin' around when he called you "girly". He calls every woman he meets that. He wasn't tryin' to be rude.

Jacob, looking at Mandy: Sorry if I came off as rude or disrespectful. I'm not the best at talking to people.

Mandy: N-no, it's fine. It wasn't rude. Just caught me off guard.

Trinity: I think Jacob should make it up to you?

Jacob and the Usos look at Trinity with questioning looks. Meanwhile, Mandy silently asks Trinity to elaborate further.

Trinity, smirking: Jacob should make it up to you tonight.

She shoots a look in her husband and brother-in-law's direction. Her eyes explain the plan to Jonathan and Joshua. The twins look at each other and smile, then look back at Jacob. Jacob looks at them curiously as he gets worried by the twins' smiles.

Jonathan: Come on, uce, the least you could do is take the nice lady to dinner.

Joshua: And a movie. That way you can tell her about yourself.

Jacob: I really don't like you guys right now.

Joshua: At least play along, uce. Who knows, you might even have some fun.

Mandy: I think that's an excellent idea. He can pick me up around 7.

Jacob: There's no getting out of this, is there?

God's Greatest Creation walks up next to him and speaks softly.

Mandy: Most men would kill for the chance to take me out on a date.

Jacob: I'm not most men.

She kisses him on the cheek, then steps away smiling.

Mandy: Then prove it tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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