Old memories

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"After Breaking you out of jail and grouping you up with a bunch of dumbasses, the least I could do is give you a place to stay" Fury and Nicholas stood shoulder to shoulder, gazing around an apartment that Nicholas had once called home, small two bedrooms, slightly chipped floors, the same kitchen and a blue sofa in the middle, accompanied with nothing else, it was just like it had been the last time he'd saw it minus the tv stand, tv and punching bag that used to surround the sofa.

June 11th 2008,

"I just think it's dangerous, Nick, he's still just a kid!" An aggravated voice, followed after Fury, who was pacing a small apartment.

"You know you should get those chips fixed-" Nick adjusted his eye patch slightly before his attention turned to an awkward cough behind him.

"It's no use, Uncle Fury, moms sick of asking her to and I'm sick of hearing the arguments"
A young man with a happy smile and short brown hair with eyes of hope approached Fury and the women.

"Georgie, I really hope you don't go..., Budapest could be dangerous!, I read in the paper that-" The women ran a hand through her hair messy hair before swiftly tying it up.

"Caroline, you have to stop reading those papers" the front door closed, a women not much shorter than the other with dark black hair, walked towards the three, kissing the women blonde on the side of her head and smiling at the boy and giving the man a certain look, an angry one.
"If Nick thinks he's ready and Georgie wants to go then who are we to stop him?"
The women placed two bags she was holding down onto the counter.

"See, Caroline!, Nadia agrees, he's twenty-two, you have to let him live a little, besides this mission will help save a life and countless others!"

Present day

"But no doubt Stark will set up some thing to have all the avengers stay together, he'll make up some excuse about team bonding but he's easier to read than a kids Magazine"
Fury had sauntered over to a window, staring out it as he spoke before he turned.
"I'll leave you be, Georgie, try not to kill anyone"

Fury handed him the keys before disappearing down the hall, Nicholas shut the door behind him, a shaky sigh exhaling from him as he made his way slowly towards a door, as if something would be waiting for him, something he didn't want to spook, slowly he twisted the handle, the door creaking like an old womens back when she stands, Nicholas peered his head in, the room was empty and dull and the worst of all it was cold and smelt damp, he sighed closing the door back over.

The room next to it had its door slightly ajar, he moved a little faster this time, opening the door fully as he stepped in, there was a bed in the middle, it looked freshly made, he turned to switch the light on but it made a fizzing like noise, Nicholas sighed and shook his head before walking back out, placing the backpack he'd been given from shield or more so fury down as he sunk down onto the sofa.

He originally wasn't going to open the bag but sitting in the Appartement in the cold silence felt weirdly odd even though he'd grown accustomed to sitting in cold silence on the raft, he opened the bag and took out what appeared to be a phone, it was labelled with the stark industries logo, when he turned it on he was greeted by a voice, a British one.

"Hello Mr Chapman, I am Jarvis, Mr Stark has provided each avenger with a new high tech cellphone, each equipped with a minimised me" the voice was almost cheery and human like.

Nicholas gazed around the apartment as if someone was watching him before he spoke, "YouTube.." his voice was rougher than he'd thought it be, and the minute he spoke he felt weird, he talked in his head all the time but out loud no, he rarely did that.

He typed in his next letters carefully, "Avengers", watching with wide eyes at the videos people had taken and swiftly uploaded of the battle that had taken place a mere week ago.

He watched in awe as he spotted himself, spring forward, he looked, heroic, he hadn't viewed himself like that in a while, it made something inside him tingle.

A knock echoed the apartment, immediately he lurched up, whipping his gun out that he'd kept tucked away in the waistband of his trousers, moving slowly towards the door, there was a rusty peephole, where he stuck his eye to, he noticed a short red head with an angry look.

"I know you're in there Chapman!"

He slid his gun away and opened the door, looking the girl up and down.

"Seriously Fury actually left you alone?, I thought he was joking.." Natasha entered the apartment like she owned it.
"You're old place?, doesn't this feel a little creepy? Haunting almost?"

Nicholas shrugged, his face remaining stone cold, as Natasha rolled her eyes and walked over to the kitchen counter, she had a folder in her hand that she placed down.

"Look, against my judgement, fury wants us to I guess work together, his way of trying to trick me into babysitting you without out right saying it" she flicked open the folder, flicking through the pages before stopping and placing a pen down.
"You need to sign this, fury forgot to give it you last week.., it brings you back into shield, he gave you a contract which makes you an avenger which means you're a hero congrats, but this, this makes you a saviour, an agent, what you used to be-"

Before Natasha could finish Nicholas had signed, glaring at her the entire time.

"Don't fuck it up this time, I'll message you when I need you"
And with that she was marching out his apartment, Nicholas shut the door but not before watching her walk away, as if he was making sure she actually left and wasn't going to come back and kill him or something.

A few days later

Nicholas gazed all the fruits, titling his head at the plums but changing his mind and deciding not to get any fruit, he was just making his way out the grocery store when a black car pulled up in-front of him.

"Fury needs us, get in."

Authors note:
Okay I know I said I'd publish every Wednesday or Thursday but I'm too in love with my own story right now aha!!!!, im so excited to peer more into his backstory, check out my TikTok: divinityeditz , to see the face claims! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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