Chapter Two

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Whoa this is breathtaking.
Steele University-home to well-known Scientists and Artists. I guess luck was the one who brought me here. I got my stuff and a lady greeted us and told us to follow her. Oohs and aaahs were all around the place as we toured the main building. Until we reached the administration office. We were given our schedules, our dorm keys and a couple of papers.Which I suppose are the list of services they render and etcetera. The lady then brought us to a large hall. I guess Introductions are made in here. Then appeared a Man, probably in his sixties , gave us all a welcoming smile.
"Welcome students! To Steele University! I am Dr. Fred Steele" just as Dr. Fred was talking about the rules and regulations, A girl with nice brown in-a-bun hair sat next to me. She gave me a smile. Through that I can tell she's pretty friendly and all. "Hi" yep "I'm Claire"

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