Focus on...

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So before I start I want to say what that chapter is focused on and what you should please do.

So this chapter is focused on judging. It's about when you feel judge by everything you do and it makes you feel bad or you think you're not enough because of it.

I want you to read it closely and really think about what I say. I also want you to keep everything I say in your mind.

Alright so let's begin...

In this life there are two types of people:

-they hate you
-they judge your looking
-they judge your breathing
-they judge your doing
-they judge your feeling
-they judge your talking
-they judge everything

All in once: there is not a second where they
                       don't judge you.

-they love you
-they love your looking
-they love your breathing
-they love your doing
-they love your feeling
-they love your talking
-they love everything

All in once: there is not a second where they
                       don't love you.

In your life you need to focus on the second type. Don't keep the people or their actions in your mind that judge you or make you feel bad, keep the people and their actions in your mind that love you and make you feel good.
No matter how many people of type 2 you have in your life, always focus on them and put the rest behind you because the rest will never help you. They'll try to make your life worse and worse and they'll do anything to end it.
Even if there are only 1 or 2 people of type 2 in your life, only focus on them. They'll help you and love you everyday. They'll try to make your life better and make you feel good. They'll do everything to keep you in this world so you can be with them.
If you think you don't have any people of type 2 in your life, let me be your type 2. Text me and I'll help you. I promise that everyone will find people of type 2 even if it takes longer sometimes but you'll find them. Just never give up.
It's important for your life to keep the good things in mind and throw the bad things away even if it's not always easy. If there's a part where throwing it away isn't easy, ask type 2 for help and they'll help you and make it easier for you. Of course you can also ask me for help.

Ps: you can always read that chapter again if you need it. And please keep it in your mind. You're not alone and you don't have to handle everything by yourself. Asking for help doesn't meant you're weak.

You're enough! Never forget that



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