A difficult time

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General pov: this chapter will be based off of season 3x17 where jay is working security as a side job at a weed place he is in charge of delivery money to the bank since it's a huge amount, on the way to the bank their car got ambushed and ended in a shoot out where his friend Terry got shot and later died at the hospital, they did catch the guy after a couple days

E= hey babe are you here
J= yes I'm here I'm in your room
E= hey you oh what are you doing
J= I'm getting ready for Terry's funeral it's here   In about an hour
E= oh yeah you told me are you going there by yourself
J= yeah I want to pay my respects to his wife
E= that's understandable um can I ask you something
J= yeah you sure can
E= would you mind if I came along with. You to the funeral or  would you rather go by yourself
J= oh of course I would love if you came with me only if you want to
E= I do want to come with you jay I want to be there for you like how you always are there for me just give me five minutes to get my self dress
J= all right ( she leaves)
E= okay I'm dress ( see him shaking) do you need any help babe
J= yeah can you help me button the last two up
My hands are shaking for some reason
E= of course I can and it's understandable your adrenaline is wearing off ( helps him)
J= why thanks
E= your welcome so you know what
J= what Erin
E= I don't think I ever saw you in this military uniform before
J= oh really
E= yeah I think you look very handsome in this I like it
J= why thanks I use to wear it all the time before I became a cop but now I only wear it when someone that was in the military died which sucks to be honest
E= oh yeah I bet so how long ago did you wear this last
J= I think it's been about five years since I wore it last and I'm actually surprised it still fits me after so long especially me getting a little more muscles on my body
E= well you still look amazing in it babe
J= why thank you
E= ( notice jay acting off) are you OK you seem off all the sudden
J= yeah I'm fine I just remembered something that Terry's wife told me earlier today
E= oh yeah what did she tell you
J= well it's better if I show you ( pulls the paper out and shows her) she gave me this when I went to visit her she said it came in the mail last week
E= ( she reads it) Wait  Terry was going to be joining the police academy
J= Yeah and I guess the reason he applied to be at the police academy was because he walked up to me and wanted to be just like me
E= oh jay that's so special
J= yes I just hate that The worst part of him dying is that the little boy and his wife is carrying whatever get to know his dad
E= yeah that has got to suck maybe in the future we will check in on them to make sure they are doing fine
J= that sounds like a great idea we should
E= but right now I say let's go before we are late for his funeral
J= yeah that's a good idea let's go

They head off to the funeral home they arrive within 20 minutes

E= are you ready to go in
J= yeah I am can you come say hello to his wife with me
E= of course Jay I'll be with you throughout it all if you want me too
J= oh yeah ( grabs her hand)
TW= hey Jay it's so good to see you
J= same here so how are you doing Lisa
TW= I am hanging in there
J= that's good to hear oh yeah so Lisa this is my girlfriend Erin Lindsay  and Erin this is Terry's wife Lisa
E= hello Lisa nice to meet you sorry it had to be on this term
TW= Same here but thank you for coming anyways
E= it's no problem I'm here to support you guys

The service get started soon  so Erin And jay go  sit back toward the back of the church the whole service takes a total of an hour and a half after the service was done Jay and Erin say goodbye to Lisa and head out

E= so are you ready to go home
J= yes I am but I'm going to leave right away once I get home and change
E= oh really why
J= well Mouse invited me to have a drink with him at Molly's to talk about things
E= Oh that's cool do you want me to go with you or not
J= no I'll be good but thanks for offering
E= it's no problem babe

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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