The date

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Takatos pov:
It's been a week since it happened-... since I've been kidnapped- AH but that's not important right now!! Junta says I should let myself feel what happened, but what does he know!!! In this show biz you never stop until the curtains close, but even then I have to deal with the pain that comes with it- like my damned left foot-, it's been hurting ever since we went to Spain but it's been getting worse every time I do flamenco or go up stairs and it especially got worse after 'that time' not even the painkillers help or the bandages that junta puts on, I tried to get sturdier shoes but that did not help either!!! Stupid ankle-... what I'm saying is that I'm to focused on everything else then to worry about some 'event' I mean you gotta expect that when your famous-.. I just hope nothings on the dark web I just got my reputation back up far then it ever has! If anyone saw that video I would be ruined, even though I did nothing but sulk.

I look at the mirror in my dressing room and sigh, this was the last show and now it's time for the date I smile at the mirror and think about the amusement park and what fun we'll have, he's grown so much as a person and an actor and I hope to see if grow more but in him spreading his wings I may be in his shadow like I would let that happen, I'll shine with him helping him spread his wings in this new career and to think he just got handed this opportunity as a pizza guy hell if it was that easy-... I'm getting ahead of myself, I hear the door open and see junta with his big smile and his shining aura- damn that's blinding-
J "takato-San good work today!"
T "good work-... so how was your first stage play!"
J "amazing, I'm so glad I get to work with you takato! You make my world so bright!"
T "really?"
J "yes!"
I smile at him over my shoulder and blush a bit, I guess I've been less embarrassed recently
T "well.. are you ready?" I say as I grab my things
J "born ready!"
T "oh really? Born ready to go on a date with me?"
J "well we were meant to be!"
T "don't go saying those kinds of things"
J "ehh it's true ☺️"
T "hehe 😒
At the park
J "wow!! I've been here before! I was always too short for the rides!!!"
T "I did not know you liked Roller coasters-"
J "eh of corse! Don't you?"
Nana-Chan "ohh takato-kun I think that ride suits you!"
I look at the drop tower that has the sign "NOW 200 FEET TALL! KIDS WELCOME"
T "uhm-.."
N "cmon it will be fun!"
When they got on the ride
N/a "alright ladies and gentlemen we ask that all passengers keep their arms and legs in the seat at all times"
I see as the guard pushed down the seats so that their fastened and he goes up to me, pushed down and keeps going- I notice that the seat is loose and nana Chan is talking to a random person
T "uhm nana-Chan"
N "don't be rude takato im talking to someone-"
T "but-"
Just then we start going up and that's when I start to break down, I start to cry as we go higher and higher
N "takato-kun!! Your causing a scene what's wrong wi-" just then she realizes the situation, she then screams "STOP THE RIDE HIS SEAT IS UNDONE!!!"
Another people start to notice and start screaming for help- obviously they don't take notice cus that's normal in a ride, I start to get a panic attack as we reach the top, as we hear air realease from the top signaling for it to go down a big sign flashed "3...2...1"
I closed my eyes as I excepted my fate this was it my career my future, gone, just then nana-chan pressed an emergency stop button that made it pause the ride, I took a huge sigh of realif I've never been so happy in my life
Just then the ride creaked, everyone was silent, the ride slowly went down as it turned from 5 feet to 10 feet and now we were 100 feet lower I start to calm down
Just then nana Chan held down my seat And held her breath I grabbed on as tightly as I could and
Everything was black
End of flashback
J "takato?"
T "hehe. Yes I loooove rides their just the best!! Aren't they! As long as it's safe!"
J "ah okay!"
I look at him with a sarcastic smile and he just blushes and holds my hand
J "I'm so exited to spend this day with you takato-San! I'll always cherish you now and forever!"
I looked at him completely flustered blushing so hard I looked like a red beet
T "I- eh hehe uhm- thanks I guess-"
I look away towards the ground and try to realese my hand but he just grips tighter rubbing his thumb on my hand
J "we're almost their to my favorite ride!"
T "... I thought you said you were always too small"
J "eh still always wanted to ride it!"
We both stop as I look at the huge roller coast that's gotta be a thousand feet high HOW INSANE IS THIS GUY
J "we're here- eh takato? You look pale are you scared?"
T "eh hehe just fine! Cmon let's go front row I'll show you I'm not afraid!"
J "but the lines longer!!! 😶"
T "exactly! 😡"
Just then I felt a sharp pain in my left foot like a needle just went through it
T "AH!"
I grabbed juntas sholder and held that foot up
J "takato are you okay?! We can go-"
T "no no no come on let's go!!"
It was such a fun day on the rides I lost my hat on one of the dollar coasters but thats fine junta seemed to have so much fun and I'm very glad to see him happy
Just as we were walking to the car junta turned towards me and smiled
T "what?"
J "nothing just...I had the most amazing time with you takato! You make my world so bright and amazing ahhh I wish I could just embrace you here!"
I just blushed I could not say anything I looked at him and smiled he grabbed my sholder and kissed me, those were the best 10 seconds of my life
J "I love you takato-San!"
T "I love you too"
We walked more for what seemed like ages to the parking garage when I realized I had to go up a flight of stairs
Once we were on the fifth floor all the pain I had felt up till now had gotten worse and worse I was limping at this point but I wanted to make this day special for him for me and I can't even hold back for him I need to keep myself in control don't cry don't scream in pain just wait.... Damn it
J "takato are you okay?"
I just let a slow nod
J "are you sure be-"
T "I'm f-fine"
I said mumbling
J "...okay"
We were now on the seventh floor I felt like I could not even think without it hurting it all became too much I felt like giving up but no I won't my pride won't let me
Just as I went on the 5th step on the 7th floor I heard a loud tear that echoed through the stairway junta, who was 3 steps ahead quickly turned around and faced me
I stood their staring at him when tears started streaming down my face
T "I-I can't"
J "takat-"
T "I-I can't walk up"
I then fell on my knees and started screaming and crying in pain junta laid me down and took off my left shoe to reveal my whole foot and ankle were red and a huge bruise
J "I-I'm taking you to the hospital"

Well that's the end vote and comment if you want more if not oh well that's 1422 words

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