I guess Catherine will always be Catherine, she hasn't changed a bit, still the corny low life, Lorenzo said disgusted.

Have you talked to Pearl, she should understand that.., Nathan tried to say but I stopped him.

Yes, we've talked and I guess we are good even if I doubt the image of what she saw will ever leave her mind.

Was it intense, Nathan said laughing and I must say it was good to see him back to his old self.

Nathan, Malhar called and I could see he was trying to stop himself from laughing.

You guys are crazy, but I need you guys to help me with Catherine I need  her to leave my house.

Just pay her and make her sign some documents, Catherine will choose money over anything, I doubt if she even cares about her son.

You won't believe she told him, I didn't want the pregnancy and that I told her to get rid of it, I said.

That girl is in insane, I wonder how she managed to get your mom wrapped around her finger, Lorenzo said. I have been wondering about that too.

Lorenzo, how is everything at Italy, you have been traveling lately, I asked.

Yes, you won't believe it.

My dad wants me to take over from him and I can't possibly do that, especially now that I have a family.

But why, I thought your brother was already handling it, Malhar said.

Yes I thought that too, but ever since a rival killed his wife and unborn baby last year, he hasn't been himself, and I don't want that kind of life for Lola and my children.

But if I don't agree my dad is going to do something drastic, I just hope he gets killed, Lorenzo said.

Lorenzo, Malhar said. I also don't like my father but I would never wish death on him.

That's only because he didn't take your innocence from you Malhar, my father is the devil himself and I wish him dead, Lorenzo said.

Who do you wish death on, Enzo, Lola said, walking in with the kids.

Dad, Elijah said running to hug Lorenzo, and he carried him.

How was the amusement park you went to he asked avoiding eye contact with Lola.

Won't my princess give me an hug Lorenzo said and Emily smiled hugging Lorenzo.

Daddy, I wanted to ask you something, Emily said and Lorenzo nodded. Go ahead.

Dad, can you change my school to Adriana's school, I don't like my present school anymore, she said and Lorenzo smiled. Ofcourse darling, anything for you, he said.

Why don't you take you brother upstairs, he said.

Okay, Elijah let's go, she said collecting him from Lorenzo.

Can you carry him, he asked and she nodded.

Ofcourse daddy, she said and walked away.

I told you, you  can't give her everything she asks for, nothing is wrong with her current school, Lola said with a frown.

If she doesn't want to go, it's fine, it's not big of a deal.

Enzo, what were you guys talking about,she asked worriedly.

It's nothing serious my love, I was only joking, Lorenzo said and I stood up.

I think we should go, I said giving Nathan and Malhar signs and they stood up as well.

Wait, won't you guys eat something before you leave, she asked.

No we are good, Nathan said and she nodded.

Okay, bye then she said as we walked out of the house.

I stopped beside Lorenzo and patted his back, bro I think you should let her know what's going on, it's only fair, I whispered and he nodded.

Mom I called as I entered the house.

Yes, why are you shouting so much, she said walking up to me.

I don't want Catherine in my house and you have to understand, mom she is going to ruin my life just as she did twelve years ago,I said and she sighed.

I know, when she came back with your son, I just felt it will bring you out of your hole, but then I saw Pearl yesterday, you didn't tell me you found her, I would always choose pearl over her.

Pearl and I have two kids together, I said and my mom's face light up.

Really, but how come she said happily and I told her everything.

I caused it, didn't I, she said.

You did it because you care, don't blame yourself for anything and now that I can chase her out that's exactly what I am going to do.

I walked up the stairs and entered the room she was staying in but I couldn't find her.

I walked into my room and saw Catherine on my bed pressing her phone.

Hy darling, she said with a smile and I frowned.

How could you lie to my son, about me not wanting him, I asked angry and she smiled.

That's the only way, I could make him always choose me, she replied.

I can't believe you would play mind game on your own child, I said and she scoffed.

Who cares about him, I wanted to abort him, but the doctor said it was to risky, that's the only reason why he is alive today.

I only want you Theodore, she said standing up and I took a step back and looked at her with disgust.

I want you out if my house now and never show your face again, I said and she frowned.

I am not going anywhere, and if I leave I am taking Andre with me, she said with a smirk.

Then we go to court, and we all know who the court will favor, I said and she frowned.

Then Andre will hate you for the rest of his life for sepreting him from his mother, she said.

How much do you want, I asked.

10million dollars, she said and I nodded.

Fine, you will get your money but don't think it's because of what you said, I am giving you this money do that you don't try anything funny with my kids and Pearl.

I don't care,as long as I have the money, it's fine.

Mom, Andre said and we both turned to face him standing at the door.

You don't love me, and you lied he said crying.

Andre, I..

Just shut up, and leave just like that said. I don't want to ever see you again, he said running away and I looked at Catherine and saw the flash of hurt before she turned to me.

Please take care of him, she whispered and walked away.

What just happened I thought as I went in search of Andre.

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