Zephrine Yasahn

Depuis le début

When the black dragons were dissolved because of the fight between Toman she found herself reunited with Faye but knew she had changed and a lot, she could feel how different her once dear friend had been. But as of now she stuck with a new group, Inui, and Koko and whomever else they were with. When Toman was disbanded she wasn't sure what to do with herself since she had finally found family and friends that cared about her but now they were free to do whatever and be kids. She was still distant from her father but continued to help him manage the club, company and became their youngest executive. However she would go back to seeking out her mom and at 17 she would tell her father that even though she's still going to help him manage the company and keep up on her position she was going to be with her mom and she and her mom progressively got closer and at the same time she still hung around Inui and Koko and you could find her with Haikaai on occasion.

As an adult much like how the Haitani brothers had all of Roppangi in the palm of their hands from a young age, the district where her father had the most money as an executive soon became hers. As an adult she only made it Stronger she had held the power since she was 17 when she initially left her father. When her father died of natural causes she soon took over everything and she set her eyes on making everything prosperous. It was now as an adult she was approached by old acquaintances. They wanted to tap into her power and the control she held over her district in managing many clubs and they wanted safe havens to deal in whatever with a legal cover. She's thought about it but hasn't said yes to anyone just yet

"I'm not mindless, and my father doesn't control me. It's under control, if anyone is the master It's me"


Zeph is an ambivert. She can be extroverted and eager to go and meet people and try new things but at the same time depending on the situation she's introverted and quiet taking on a more analytical approach. Speaking of she is very logical and does a lot of things based off analysis like her money and investments. Her analysis and her way of thinking allows her to also be good at games of strategy like, poker, chess, checkers, blackjack and even pool. She does like to play games and even sports but she's not a bubbly happy to lucky kinda gal. She likes things to be simple and to have control over most aspects of her life. Her motto "Simple, power and control are all I need" She can get a little cocky when she's confident but that's only because she knows her capabilities

Now playing- Stefflon Don - 16 Shots

"Whoever said I was scared? I'm not worried about losing my power it's just a nice addition"


Zeph was born a platinum blond and when she was about 2 it started to turn white and not a dirty kind of white where it still looked blonde it was snow white. She has narrow midnight blue almond eyes that seem almost lazy. Freckles sit on her cheeks and she's got almost sunkissed skin not having very pale skin. When she was younger she had a very small body and was almost always small because of her fast metabolism. She would develop and affinity for piercings but wouldn't be allowed to have any till middle school

Once in middle school she got a nose stud as her first piercing and then two normal piercings on her ear. In middle school her hair was much longer but still just as white if not a more pure white than when she was little and kept it braided in two cornrow braids that started at the top of her head and ended about middle of her back. Her physique did not change much she still looked thin but was far from being a stick. She had developed a lot of muscle tone it just wasn't very obvious. Her eyes took on a bit of a brighter blue hue and got slightly bigger but kept a narrow almond shape. She stands at an average height around about 5'4-5'6

As an adult her hair stops right at her waist and she dyes the ends of her hair a crimson red and now for the most part always wears her hair down on occasion tying it up if she's got a lot of work to do. To her piercings she adds an industrial on her left, a helix on the left and a conch on the right. She has no visible tattoos but on her back she has a large lotus blossom on a lily pad on a lake. There are two smaller lily pads on either side of the lotus floating on the late and three lake drops dripping down as if the water was overflowing. Now days she for the most part is dressed up in suits and formal wear since she runs a company but does dress it down to a more casual look for just running errands and such.

"Never thought it would turn out like this, guess some of what I was told was always meant to come true"

Now Playing- League of Legends - Starts right here ft. Kenny Mason and Foreign Air


When in middle school she was with Faye and Mitzuki for a while however when she moved she was closer to the black dragons and became one of them and later was absorbed into Toman. After that when Toman was gone she went back to being a Company manager. And as an adult holding power she considers turning in old favors but hasn't agreed to work with anyone just yet

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