𝓒omfort From My Friend.

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    𝓢leeping peacefully in bed, my alarm goes off. Waking up, I let out a big stretch.

Slipping on my pair of F/C slipper's, I make my way out of my room and to the living room.

Opening the front door, I patiently wait for Billy to arrive with the newspaper.

Hearing pedaling, a small grin spreads into my face. 

Walking out of the front yard, I wave towards Billy. Noticing, Billy waves back.

Parking his bike, Billy quickly grays something before walking up to me.

"Morning, Miss! Here's your newspaper," Billy say's, giving me my newspaper.

Thanking Billy, I hug the tied up newspaper.

Noticing that Billy was hiding something behind his back, I raise my brow in curiosity.

"What is that you're holding?" I politely ask, pointing.

"Oh! This is actually a small gift, that I wanted to give you. As a way for me to show you my gratitude." Billy answers, looking a bit shy.

Surprised, I nod.

"Oh? Okay!" I say, smiling kindly.

"Here you go!" Billy say's, showing his gift. It was a small bouquet of flowers

 It was a small bouquet of flowers

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(Bouquet 1!

(Bouquet 2!)

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(Bouquet 2!)

Shocked, I grab the bouquet of flowers in disbelief. The bouquet of flowers looked so pretty! The wrapper, carefully wrapped around the flowers.

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