000. prologue

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on the first day came wind.

uncontrollable winds from all directions, tornadoes, storms, all creating nothing but destruction through every region; mondstadt was the one who had it worst. the city was desolate, the lucky citizens being able to flee underground, with a few residing in empty domains. food was scarce, and it was a time of crisis for everyone.

on the second day came rock.

meteriorites crushing what once were proud mountains, now only crumbled stone, the people of liyue being crushed under the impact. the few survivors were sent underground to the chasm. although, already a dangerous place, the amount of people made it almost impossible to live in.

on the third day came lightning and storm.

by now, it was a nationwide emergency. any food, water or supplies were valuable and key, if you were even able to attain them, that is.

the electro archon herself could not take reign of the storms that were wrecking teyvat day and night. it was impossible to see through the thick fog and thundering clouds in the sky. all daylight was blocked out, and most places were completely dark.

on the fourth day came whither.

all flourishing nature in sumeru began to whither. what was once thriving greenery became an abundance of rotted life; not a single crop could have been farmed. fights broke out over food rations, and people were beginning to sacrifice all their humanity just to keep on living another day.

on the fifth day came cold.

blizzards of unimaginable power roamed the region of snezhnaya. they called on a high-alert crisis lockdown, but the shelters were not able to withstand the power and quickly were destroyed in their paths.

on the sixth day came fire.

the volcanoes of natlan never stopped spilling out molten lava. the flow became too much to control and flowed into the city however, the majority were dead from the toxic gases released before the lava even hit them.

natlan and sumeru were unlucky compared to the others as their city stood no chance against the volcanoes and fire. the already dried out nature of sumeru made quick fuel for the spreading fires of natlan. the fires of natlan began to quickly spread into sumeru's terrain, consuming the masses of land and errupting into an unstoppable force.

on the seventh day came water.

even though this may seem like a blessing after the droughts, the water did not come in peace. it rained down like bullets and flooded every corner of the nation. some nations had no water at all yet some were filled to the brim with it.

the hypostatuses found a way to escape their coded boundaries and wreak havoc. monsters became even more hostile.

the people's last ditch story of saving themselves was to pray. millions of offerings had been made, they sought out millions of primogems to offer but their efforts were not acknowledged. pray to the 'all-loving' divine creator to end the misery that had befallen upon their land.

rich or poor, young or old— no one could escape the disasters that consumed teyvat that week. the sky, turned red, red as the blood that seeped out of teyvat's people and stained it's land.

it took seven days for teyvat to succumb to its death. seven days of crisis before they rendered themselves a lost cause.

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