The Advice

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Once me and Fred arrive at Hogwarts we walk to the Great Hall for dinner. When we go inside I see George talking to Lee probably about how the prank went. I decide to sit with them instead of ignoring them. George smiles at me when he sees I sat down.

Him and Lee tell me and Fred about how the prank went. After talking a bit more I see Angie and the girls sitting down. "I'm going to go sit with the girls see you guys later ok. " I say while standing up.

"Hey girls !" I say as I sit next to Angie. "Hi Kas where have you been today ? " Alicia asks. "Oh I went with Fred to the Hogsmeade trip. "
"Oo Fun did you get us anything ? " Katie asks while laughing." "Guess you'll have to wait and see Haha"

Soon Alicia and Katie get caught up in conversation about the Chrisrmas holidays. "Hey Angie I have a question for you. " "Ok shoot whats up ? " "How did you know you like girls ?" I ask nervously.

"Well it was summer break and I was hanging out with this girl Karlie. We both were hanging out at the lake outside my house. I was rambling about this prank the twins played on me when suddenly she kissed in the middle of my sentence and I don't know it just felt right and comfortable. It wasn't awkward or wierd like any kiss I had with a boy. "

"Huh interesting" "Why do you ask ? " Angie says. "Well it's just that when you kissed me I just felt well I felt amazing but when I kissed George I felt the same thing but a bit less, like it was almost boring. And I don't know if it's just because your a fantastic kisser or if I like girls too ? " I say

"It's probably both to be honest haha. Look if your not sure you should experiment try and date a girl and see if you like it." Angie says wisely. "Ok good advice but after me and George kissed he asked me if I like him and I think I do so I don't want to date a girl and lead her on or anything. "

"Then date George and if you don't enjoy it break up and try and date girls . Also be yourself if you do feel attraction to girls don't feel ashamed by it I'm sure George would support you if you tell him. " Angie says then smiles slightly.

"Okay I'll do that then thanks Ang." "No problem Kas. "


Sorry for posting so late 😅. But then again no ones really reading this so it doesn't really matter. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Ok Byeee !

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