Chapter 1

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My name is hope Andrea Mikaelson and this is the end of my story and the start of my new one.

I was at king cross station to go to New Orleans to visit my family and I was bumped into and some how went through the wall I ended up at the same train station but it wasn't the same. There were a bunch of kids with black robes on and parents waving them goodbye.

One of the people that work there grabbed me by my shoulder and told me to get on the train so I did and then I walked by a compartment that had two twins with ginger hair and a dark skinned boy with dreadlocks. I slid the compartment door open and said "do you mind if I join you?" And quickly one of the twins said "not at all!" He sounded quite excited and he had a big smile on his face I then sat down.

"Hi, nice to meet you my name is hope Mikaelson ." I said while putting my hand out for them to shake it the other twin then said while shaking my hand "nice to meet you to hope I'm George and this is Fred" he then pointed to his twin who seemed to be lost for words but managed to say "what school have you been going to?" "That's not important" assuming they've probably never heard of it and it's not like I could tell him I was a trybrid and the only one in existence. "I'm lee Jordan Fred and George's friend" he held his hand out for me to shake it and I gave him a polite smile and shook it.

When we got off the train there was a huge castle I didn't know where we we're but I followed the three boys and we got on a carriage that was pulling itself and it was completely normal to them so I asked them if they knew about magic and they replied by saying "of course we know about magic that's the reason we go to this school" I now knew it was a school of magic just like the Salvatore school but they use wands which the boys also mentioned.

I still had no idea where we we're but I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when we arrived to the school it was huge and when we walked in there were ghost and talking portraits. We walked into a huge room with four long tables inside there were kids at each table they finished the sorting ceremony professor dumbledore stood up and said "before we get started we have another person joining us this year so, Hope Mikaelson will you please join me to be sorted" so I stood up and started walking towards the front of the room where all the professors were standing.

As I sat down on the stool a women with brown hair in tight bun put the sorting hat on my head "clever enough for a raven claw, to good to be slytherin, but her bravery over powers all, it will be... GRYFFINDOR!" All the gryffindors started clapping and Fred and George whistled. I sat down next to Fred and he patted me on my back "tuck in" said George and then the whole table was instantly full of food I didn't eat though all I wanted to do was find out were I was and why I was there.

I then went to the common room with Fred, George and lee. Lee and George went to the boys dormitory and me and Fred sat on the couch and talked till 12:00 he was a good guy and I kind of liked him which was surprising because I normally don't like guy the first time I meet them but there was something about him I just didn't know what it was. I fell asleep, I woke up at the sound of George saying "look at the two love birds" once my eyes fully adjusted I saw'll lee and George standing in front of me and I realized I was laying on Fred's chest and his arm was wrapped around me he woke up as soon as I did and we both sat up and and he unwrapped his arm from around me. George looked at us and said "you two done having your little moment, we're going to miss breakfast, now go get ready."

When we got to breakfast we sat down next to Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Fred had told me about them. The whole day was kind of normal for me honestly . After dinner dumbledor had sent me a note that said "follow me we need to talk about many things A.D" "who is that from?" George asked "nobody I'll see you guys later" I replied and followed dumbledor to his office.

"Now, ms.Mikaelson I know who you are and what you are as do the other professors but you can't tell anyone else what you are. I understand that you are the only one of your kind and that your not like the werewolf's here I also know that your not fully the tribrid yet because you have not become a vampire yet, am I correct? Yes sir. Okay, you do not need a wand to preform magic so you will be getting a wand that does not work so don't let it get in the wrong hand. I have given you dress robes they are on your bed in the girls dormitory you will be in the 5th year dormitory now off to bed we shall continue this when needed. So I went to the common room and I changed into my pajamas and laid down in my bed but I couldn't sleep so I went to the common room and stared into the fire.

Five minutes after I sat on the couch Fred came down and sat next to me "what are you doing up? What are you doing up? I asked you first. And I asked you second." He smiled and said "couldn't sleep, you. I couldn't either." We sat there and talked and joked around the rest off the night.

The tribrid and a wizard | A Fred Weasley & hope mikaelson love story Where stories live. Discover now