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Hi. Do you also hate what Disney has done with Star Wars? Do you read legends or want to, but don't know where to start? Do you like those fanfictions where characters from a certain cinematic universe watch their movies?

If you answered at least one of those questions with a yes, then this is the book for you.

This is only meant for one person to be fair, as I am waiting for AO3 to let me post it there, but feel free to join and have a look around. So this isn't a final version, more of a beta version before posting to AO3. Suggestions for improvement are encouraged!

So, our little group of Jedi, consisting of Obi-Wan, Mace, Anakin and Yoda, with addition of Padme are taken by the * mysterious * force and made to watch movies about their future right before Order 66.
There are a lot of fics already describing how it would go for episode 4-6, so I will not be writing those, but I highly suggest you do read them.

Instead, after watching Episodes 4-6, they are presented with Thrawn Trilogy Holofilm, starting with Heir To The Empire. Obviously I can't just copy-paste a book, it will be written like a proper "movie".

IMPORTANT: This was written before Clone Wars/Rebels. For any inconsistencies blame Disney.


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