y/n x tsukasa..

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y/n was like walking out of her room. "good morning us- ugh im in japaan." she pouted 😒 .
tsukasa like.. walked over 😜😜 "sup bbg 😚" tsukasa said. 'OMG MY  CWUSHY WUSHY IS IN FRONT OF ME.'
"why dont i take you out tonight?" tsukasa said with a 😏 face. "no im too cute for you 😤" y/n said.

"😔" tsukasa ranning anyway crying. "oh no! what do i do i made him sad.😰" y/n screamed. luckily tsukasa heard. "i was about to watch shrek but yk wanna date 😎" 'SO SMOOTH' y/n thought. "omg yes dad-.... 😶" the was a shadow figure behind them.

"OMG RUI?" y/n screamed. "y/n... i thought we had something!! 😫" rui continues "i thought you loved me 😢" rui said with a very sad expression. "WE DO 😭... DID 😎 now im dating this hottie now gtfo we need private time! 🤪" y/n said. rui started crying then ran away.

rui became yandere for y/n 😂

tbc 😱😱😨😨🥶🥶

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