Chapter 21: Were you worried?

Comenzar desde el principio

"What happened to our friends?" I asked abruptly, stopping him halfway out the door.

His gaze hesitated on the well-maintained floor. But when he looked up, only a weary smile adjourned his face. And without another word, he started forward again, walking out the door.

Perspective Change: Sky

The bleak cover of darkness tugged against the evening sky.

How poetic. One could simply say it was nearing dusk. But I suppose its human nature to prolong the inevitable, even if it is just a full stop. The subtle glint of sunset cast a golden highlight to each roof, throwing shadows that seemed far too large for the structures they clung to.

I continued walking, my cigarette hanging from my lips, almost depleted. The school was mostly deserted at this time, with only the occasional groundsman passing by in mock patrol. My boots made no noise as they carried me across the pathway. My destination loomed in the distance, trying to stand proudly, despite seeming so alone.

The old gym sat at the edge of the campus like a defeated giant, slain and forgotten. It was a large structure, more of a shed really. They used to be able to fit the whole student body inside, until they deemed it unsafe. During an assembly, part of the roof had collapsed. Nobody was hurt, but the board couldn't be bothered to foot the bill. So they simply abandoned it, brushed it aside as if it had never existed in the first place.

Continuing down the overgrown path, I soon reached the cracked glass doors, closer signs plastered across their face. The pair creaked inwards as I pushed them open, revealing the dusty darkness that lay beyond. My eyes adjusted quickly, soon defining objects and edges. I flicked a selection of switches from the mass that lay embedded in the wall adjacent.

Precious few of the overhanging lights still held their charm. They flickered at first, before steadying to cast a dull glow across the echoing space. Patches of darkness were still scattered, creating a type of disjointed mosaic, but it didn't make much of a difference.

Altogether, it was a big, empty space. Nothing but a sheet of dust to provide the creaky wooden floorboards with company. The basketball hoops still hung unsatisfied at either end, and the stage still yearned for talent.

Just another tired old space with another tired old dream.

I traced my usual footsteps across the dust plastered floor, not wanting to disturb its neglected perfection. My path led in a direct line, clinging the wall as it progressed towards the rear of the structure. The door that stood at its end watched my approach expectantly. The key within my pocket wriggled with every movement. I took it, and pushed the worn silver into the lock.

The mechanism clicked, and the cheap door swung inwards revealing a gloomy staircase. Closing and locking the door behind me, I took off my boots and placed them side by side on the first step. My fingertips brushed the familiar switch, and it clicked satisfyingly before illuminating the cramped space. I took a breath before ascending the steep stairwell towards the room above.

It was not dusty here. I always had the same thought when I stepped into the small space. For it was small. Only five point two square meters in total, with a large desk taking up one of them. Although, maybe that was why I kept coming back... I gazed around at the simple possessions. A light sleeping bag, a forest green backpack, a collection of coins, a bottle of water...

And thirteen boxes of forty five calibre ammunition.

I sighed, beginning to undo the first button on my shirt. Aqua blue strands hung down as I watched my progress, which annoyed me. I whipped my hair back, and looked out to my right. A large opening that displayed the entirety of the inside building. It used to be the bio-box, where the school nerds would manage effects and lighting for presentations.

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