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Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene.

Cersei Lannister almost could not breathe.

I'm begging of you, please don't take my man.

Her love, her reflection of herself, her brother, was just betrothed to Sansa Stark.

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene.

She did not dare to look at her brother's face, and she was scared to look at her father's face.

Please don't take him just because you can.

What was she to do? For the first time, Cersei was scared.

Your beauty is beyond compare.

She still continued to call Sansa 'Little Dove'. Doves are beautiful though, right?

With flaming locks of auburn hair.

Would Jaime want to run his fingers through red hair, or continue to run them through blonde hair?

With ivory skin.

Would Jaime want to look at pale skin, like ivory, or tan skin, almost like desert sand, or trail dirt.

And eyes of emerald green.

The one thing of beauty that Sansa Stark did not have. Would Jaime want to look at sapphires, or continue staring at emeralds?

Your smile is like a breath of spring.

Anyone that truly knew her, liked to see Sansa smile, but she hardly did that anymore.

Your voice is soft like summer rain.

She spoke softly and quietly; being held hostage will do that to you.

And I cannot compete with you, Jolene.

People preferred the company of Sansa of Cersei, even Jaime now did.

He talks about you in his sleep.

Cersei stopped by Jaime's chambers one night, to try to talk with him about ending his betrothal to Sansa. But instead, she found him talking to himself. He was saying things like, "With Sansa, I could love her, and not hide it. With Sansa, I can have children, and not have to keep their parentage a secret."

There's nothing I can do to keep.

Cersei tried and tried to convince her father to break the betrothal, but he knew what went on between her and Jaime, and for the sake of keeping the Lannister name from being an embarrassment, he did not break the betrothal.

From crying, when he calls your name, Jolene.

Every time Jaime said Sansa's name, Cersei had a hard time holding back tears. She felt that she was losing herself by her brother being taken away.

And I can easily understand.

Cersei knows why Sansa has the prime pick over Jaime.

How you could easily take my man.

And she wondered why she was never consulted on the betrothal. Sansa was, after all, HER son's plaything; HIS anger outlet.

But you don't know what he means to me, Jolene.

Cersei always said she and Jaime were two halves of the same person, because they were twins. But that does not sound romantic.

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene.

There was only one thing Cersei could think of to end this betrothal, and she did not have much time.

I'm begging of you, please don't take my man.

She went into Sansa's chambers, and decided to beg of Sansa to end it.

Please don't take him just because you can.

Sansa liked what she was seeing. She was seeing Cersei Lannister, the queen consort, the queen regent, the queen mother, on her knees, crying and begging, like Sansa had done many times before.

You could have your choice of men.

Contrary to what Cersei thought, Sansa did not have a say in all of this, she was forced into it, But if this was her way out of King's Landing, she was going to damn well take it.

But I could never love again.

Sansa knew about Cersei and Jaime, and just as Cersei made Sansa suffer, she was going to make Cersei suffer.

He's the only one for me, Jolene.

Sansa knew that Cersei did not love Jaime as Jaime. Sansa knew that Cersei loved Jaime as Cersei, the male version of herself.

I had to have this talk with you.

Of course, Sansa had always wanted to see Cersei on her knees, begging Sansa for mercy, and now she had her wish.

My happiness depends on you.

This was her way to make Cersei Lannister suffer, and she was not going to pass it up.

And whatever you decide to do, Jolene.

Sansa was going to do what Cersei had taught her to. Cersei had told her that a woman's most powerful weapon was 'between her legs', and she was going to use that weapon to make Cersei suffer.

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene.

Tyrion watched how this betrothal between Jaime and Sansa affected his sister, and he was certainly enjoying the show.

I'm begging of you, please don't take my man.

At the wedding, Sansa had placed an all but chaste kiss on Jaime's lips, and he agreed to it. She watched Cersei's face, and smiled when Cersei was crying.

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene.

Sansa made sure to keep Jaime out of Cersei's arms for the rest of the wedding, with the help of Tywin and Tyrion.

Please don't take him even though you can.

Cersei had decided to stand outside of Jaime's chamber doors, which were now his and Sansa's, and she almost screamed at the moans and grunts of pleasure coming from the room, sounds her brother never made from her. She kept hearing the sounds up until the late morning. Several moons later, a raven came from Casterly Rock, with the news that Sansa had given birth to a baby girl. They had named her Jolene. A name that would haunt Cersei for the rest of her life.

Jolene, Jolene.

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