Chapter Tweleve: Code Red

Start from the beginning

Eddie turned around and started walking away. " Hold on." I told Steve and walked out the door, Eddie was almost to his car. " Eddie!" I called after him. Eddie turned around and looked at me. " Yeah?" Eddie asked. " I will tell you everything tomorrow, Dustin will help me explain. I just need to figure out if it's the same thing what happened to my friends and I last summer." I explained to Eddie. " Right, with Billy's cause of death?" Eddie asked. " Yes.. I just need to figure out if it's back." I choked. I'm pretty sure it was. " You are freaking me out Amy." Eddie truthfully said. " I know, and I'm freaking everyone else out. Just trust me." I begged. " I do, just look out for yourself okay? I don't want you two getting hurt." Eddie mentioned, as he gently put his hand on my stomach and I softly smiled. " We will be fine. I just want to make sure you are safe." I whispered, trying to hold back the tears. " Hey, nothings going to happen to me." Eddie said, and I wanted to believe him. I started to have flashbacks already of the mall with Billy.


I was running behind Steve, Robin, Erica and Dustin. I knew Billy was right behind me. Steve quickly jumped into Hopper's car. Once I knew Dustin was safe, I knew my only way to protect them was to let Billy take me. " Amy, get in the car!" Steve yelled after me, after he saw I stopped about half a mile in the parking lot. " Make sure Dustin is safe!" I yelled back, tears in my eyes. " Amy!" Dustin yelled, and I could see the tears in his eyes. I felt Billy grip onto me, and I forgot how strong he is. I heard a cock noise of a gun and my heart stopped. I watched as Steve drove away, and I was grateful to know my brother was out of that damn mall. Even Erica, she has so much life to live for. I didn't want to die, but if it meant protecting them, I would. " You run I shoot, and you know I will. Follow me." Billy demanded, and he pushed me to start walking. I felt like I was holding my breath, and if I breathed he would shoot me. " Get in the car." Billy growled. I stayed silent and climbed in the passenger side. Billy got in the drivers side, and we sat there, in silence. " What are we doing?" I finally choked, as he had the gun lowly pointed at me. Warning me if I ran he would shoot. " Just enjoy the show." Billy smirked, and I felt terror of chills go through me. It wasn't Billy, it was the Mind Flayer, Billy was long gone. Only reason I could tell, was in his eyes. Even though Billy was an asshole and he ruined my life when I was with him. I know now I should have never dated him. I still know his child like eyes that just wanted to be loved. But was to damaged to be be loved. We sat in silence and I don't know how much time passed. But I saw Jonathan, Nancy, Lucas, Max, Will, and El run out of the mall and towards Nancy's car that wasn't working anymore. Billy started the car " show time." Billy smirked, looking at me with a grin. Everyone looked at the car and had fear in their eyes when they saw not only Billy, but now the gun was on my head. " Amy!" Max yelled. I found it surprising she was calling my name and not Billy's. Billy started roaring the engine and started speeding towards them, putting the gun down. We were going so fast I knew for sure we were going to hit them, and kill them. Even us.
  " Billy if you are still in there I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt your sister!" I yelled at him, as we were now inches away from them. Jonathan was trying to get the car to start and it still wasn't working. " You mean step sister, she means nothing to me." Billy said, not breaking his eye contact from them. I closed my eyes and put my arms above my head to shield myself whatever was about to happen. I felt cars collide and our car going spinning across the parking lot. I knew I had hit my head hard, I touched it and it was bleeding a lot. Billy was passed out, and the car went on fire. " Amy!" I heard my brothers voice scream, and that was the last voice I heard before everything went blank.
  I had woken up in the hospital a week later. The doctors said there was no way I should have survived. My mom was so close to taking me off life support. Dustin and I later found out that El managed to bring me back to life while I was in the hospital and Nancy was the one who got me out of the car. Steve felt extremely guilty and didn't see me for awhile, because he didn't realize I was in the car with Billy before he collided with us to protect everyone else. Which is what I wanted in the first place. El couldn't heal my entire body. But I was grateful she saved me. Over time I was able to get my body back to normal. It took months. I was filled on everything that happened. They defeated the Mind Flayer, Billy sacrificed himself to save El, and we lost Hopper. Which was the hardest news to receive.


I somehow managed to fall asleep after worrying about Amy and Dustin last night. I did have to drink a few beers to help me pass out. After not getting a call, I knew I might as well go to sleep. I also wouldn't be much help to them if I was drunk. I woke up with my head pounding, it was rare I got hung over but after drinking so much last night I was suffering from one. I groaned as I got up, and I could hear my uncle in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Whenever he was home on his days off he always cooked for me. I slowly walked into the kitchen, squinting my eyes open, and sat on the stool. " Rough night kid?" My uncle asked, handing me a cup of coffee. " You could say that." I mumbled, and took a sip. " Is Amy in there asleep?" My uncle asked. " No, not tonight. She was at Harrington's house." I said, and my voice came out with more annoyance then I meant for it too. " Who's Harrington?" My uncle asked. "' You know, Steve Harrington. His family live on the rich side of town." I clarified, and drank more of the coffee. " Oh right. You trust Amy don't you?" My uncle questioned me. " Of course I do." I quickly replied, sitting up. " Don't sound so jealous then. Was it just the two of them?" My uncle continued to ask. " No, their whole friend group was there. I just wasn't allowed to be there." I sighed. I was trying to not let it bother me. But I wish I could connect with them. They still seem to see me as the freak of the town. Not so much Dustin and his friends since half of them were in Hellfire. But Robin, Steve and Nancy. I know Steve doesn't like me. " Just give her time to introduce you more to her friend group. She's going through a lot right now, especially becoming a mom. She may just want to have one thing to herself for right now." My uncle reminded me. " I know, I know." I breathed, and he handed me a plate full of breakfast. It was really the only time I had decent food throughout the week was when my uncle was home.
As I was halfway eating my uncle turned on the news. Normally I tune out the news, but my interest perked when I heard Chrissy's name on the TV. " Could you turn that up?" I asked my uncle, walking over to the TV. My uncle turned up the TV more and I saw Chrissy's house. Full of reporters, ambulance, police cars. Chrissy's family outside, but no Chrissy. " Hawkins High School student and head cheerleader Chrissy Cunningham has been found dead in her bedroom. We don't know if it's a suicide or murder, but the way police are describing how her body is positioned, it looks more like a murder. Police even have a lead on who might have done this to Chrissy, and her family are looking for answers. If you witnessed anything of leading up to Chrissy's death, please contact Hawkins Police Department." The reporter explained, and I felt everything in me freeze. Amy didn't murder Chrissy... did she? She was scared out of her mind, and fear in her eyes. There was no blood on her though, and why would Amy kill Chrissy? Amy is my girlfriend again. Did Amy need her brother and friends help to cover up for the murder? My mind was racing a mile a minute. Before I knew it the front door knocked, and I quickly ran to it hoping it would be Amy. It wasn't, it was Hawkins police. " Are you Amy Henderson boyfriend?" The first police officer asked. " Yes..." I hesitantly replied. " Do you mind if we talk to you about your girlfriend?" They asked. Fuck, Amy..

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