one hundred and sixty-one.

194 16 3

[William & Louis]





[William] This is my brother

[Louis] This is my brother

[Both] We are siblings and we care for each other

[William] Everything we own

[Louis] We always share

[Oboje] Because we are siblings and we have the same hair *Louis robi Williamowi emo włosy*

[Louis] I like cooking

[William] And I like math

[Oboje] We both came out of the same loins

If you don't like siblings, give us a chance

We'll impress you with our sibling dance

[Louis] Hey, what's that?

[William] We have an older brother

[Louis] You thought there were two

[William] But there is another

[Both] He's always busy and he has other hair

But he's one of us, so we don't care

Come on, Albert, snap out of that trance

It's time do do a sibling-

[Albert] Guys! Guys, I can't... focus, I can't read, I can't get any of my work done with you guys making this racket about sibling dances! I'm sorry, I don't mean to be mean, it's just... MI6 has a lot of problems, and I've got a trial on Monday, and I've gotta get this motion finished, and so I have a bit of a complicated case with Mycroft... and I don't have time to do a sibling dance!

*Louis i William robią minę kota ze Shereka*

*Albert się uśmiecha*

[Albert] Sometimes I think I can talk to plants

[Razem] Come on, let's do a sibling dance

[William] The void of space is a vast expanse

[Razem] Come on, let's do a sibling dance

Come on, let's do a sibling dance


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