Prolouge | The Unsung Bastard

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" Today, The Unsung Bastard will hear its first ever tune. "


???: Huff!

On a rooftop of an apartment complex late at night, stands a mysterious figure bouncing about, maintaining a fighting stance and executing multiple punches and kicks, the earbud cord flailing about as music could be heard.

???: Hah! Hee-yah!

Shadow Boxing. A form of training in which the person fights a 'shadow' of an opponent to practice their speed, strength and mobility against the oncoming attacks that they would be receiving.

???: " Alright, let's take it up a notch! "

The mysterious figure said to themselves, getting themselves ready for another round. All of a sudden, they start jumping around the rooftop at inhuman speeds, punching, weaving, kicking as they move around.

They continue this pattern, each punch and kick sending a small shockwave, ever so slightly increasing in power because of the focus in the fight. It continues on until...


One final kick sends a big shockwave around the general area, knocking the power off the apartment complex and a few surrounding buildings. A room window flies open, and a woman yells out up top.


The mysterious figure stands stiff on the rooftop.

" Oops.. "


We cut to an apartment room, two people are currently in the dining area, eating breakfast. The older, feminine one speaks up.

Older Lady: " So, wanna explain last night? "

The other person, the mysterious figure from before, chokes on their food for a second, before regaining their composure.

???: " ..What is there to explain, exactly..? "

The older lady sighs, taking a bite of her meal before talking again.

Older Lady: " You know the rule about trainings. No- "

???: " No going overboard.. yes, I know.. "

The mysterious figure finishes the sentence, causing the older lady to simply look at him in disbelief and worry.

Older Lady: " Look, I get it. You have to keep training to keep your strength in check, but don't you think you're already strong as is? "

The mysterious figure looked at the older lady, shaking his head.

???: " Of course not! What makes you say that?! "

The older lady looked over and pointed at the trophy case, filled with monster heads and little items that represented a victory against someone or something.

???: " ...W-Well, I have to be ready for anything! The most strongest person could be anywhere! I have to be ready to have that fun fight! "

The older lady sighed.

Older Lady: " Kid, you practically ARE the most strongest person. "

The older lady stood up from the dining room table, walking over to a counter and grabbing something before turning around.

Older Lady: " You need a normal life, kid. One where you can have friends to hang out with, bonds to be grown, dreams to be made! "

???: " But I already have a dream! "

Older Lady: " You know what I meant, kid! "

The older lady rubbed the bridge of her nose before pulling up stapled pieces of signed paper.

Older Lady: " I'm sending you to a school over at Honnō City, it's a very prestigious school, so be grateful! "

The mysterious figure looked at her in shock, before groaning.

???: " You gotta be kidding me! School?! "

Older Lady: " Yeah, school! One where you'll enjoy yourself! "

The mysterious figure was about to say something, but could only huff in disbelief. There was a moment of silence before the older lady could only sigh and walk over to them, hugging them.

Older Lady: " You know I only want what's best for you... If not for me, do it for yourself, alright? Think of this as a little vacation.. "

The mysterious figure slowly looked over at her, not saying anything before sighing and nodding. The older lady smiled.

Older Lady: " Thank you, Kid. Now, finish up, you gotta start getting ready to head out. "

The older lady patted their head before walking to their room, to help pack. The mysterious figure took the time to think to himself as they finished his breakfast.

???: " A vacation and a normal life, huh? I guess I do need a bit of a breather.. "

The mysterious figure nodded to themselves in agreement, standing up and putting his plate in the sink, then walking to their room to help the older lady, now ready for what seemed to be a new journey for their new life.


The plane landed at the airport, and after a bit, out stepped the figure, bag and luggage in hand. They went through all the needed procedures and necessities before heading out of the airport and walking, after a bit, they made it onto the bridge of Honnō City, where they looked up onto the entirety of the city. They clenched the strap of their bag before giving a small smile and a determined look.

" Honnō City, here I am. "



end. | 808 words.

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