Lucky Star

12 1 3

bi bi bi beep!
bi bi bi beep!
bi bi bi beep!

"Sophie!!!! you're gonna be late for your first day in high-school!!!!!"
"mnnnn just 5 more minutes....."

Sophie's mother goes up the stairs and sees Sophie still sleeping.
"Sigh this girl" and she turns of the fan.
"its so hot in here -_-"
"Sophie! Breakfast is ready! "

Sophie slowly and lazily gets off the bed and heads to the basin to brush her teeth.
*Time skip. Shes on the way to school*
She runs at her fastest and takes a sharp turn when suddenly
"Oof! Owwww that hurt 😭"
"Im so sorry! Are you ok?" (I am not daijobu)
Sophie slowly opens her eyes and sees a very worried face stare at her Oh my gosh ksgdosjskbakwb hes so frikkin cuuuuuuttteeee "yea Im okay" The passerby helps her up and introduces himself. So his name is Derek... And we go to the same school... And we're both late... WE'RE BOTH LATE!!! She grabs his arm and starts running dragging the poor boy behind her.

*story in progress*

My MixTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon