Great News

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"Wilsooooon!" My best friends voice whines, slamming the door open and hobbling in dramatically. "Do you know what cuddy is making me do??" He groans, flopping down onto the couch like a schoolgirl with a sigh. Oh, I should not have put that image into my head. "What?" House questions with a groan. "Nothing." My hand reaches up to my forehead and rubs lightly. "And yes house, it's a medical conference. Sounds fun!" I say enthusiastically, running a hand through my greasy hair. If I'm being honest, I haven't showered in a while. "Hey, and i might even go!" I suggest, cleaning up my desk and standing up with a sigh. My joints crack and I look down at my knees in disappointment. "Oh, I'm definetly not going now." House said, sarcasm dripping heavily off his words. He elbows me and giggles. "C'mon, I gotta go to the cafeteria and pretend im actually gonna pay for my meal." He pushes up off the couch with a grunt. "Or, you could ACTUALLY purchase your own food?" I suggest, holding the door and muttering. "Ladies first" Hiuse hobbies out the door and groans. "I hate you." I squint at him and lock the door behind me. "Yeah, love you too."

   "Dr.Wilsons got it covered!" Ah, I've heard this phrase a million times and it's getting old. "Yeah, sure." I put down a twenty and grab my tray, heading for a table in the back. "I think you should go." I say once we're situated. "I'm sorry but without cuddys boobs it's gonna be a bit harder to persuade me." House quips, reaching for my sandwich. "Sorry, I left mine at home."
Heat rises up in my cheeks but I try to ignore it and hope my best friend does too. "Also, when are you going to buy groceries?" House says with a mouth full of rueben.  "Why is it always my job?" I sigh and look down at what's left of my meal sadly. "Cause your the responsible one. The hookers have been complaining that there isn't any food in the house." Of course. "Maybe you should do the shopping one week." I say cautiously and open the previously, untouched lays. "Well maybe I will." Chase walks up to the table and smacks a case file onto the table. "2yr old female  with type 1 diabetes." Chase says exitedly, not acknowledging me in the slightest. "Hi chase." I offer a small wave and grin. "Oh, hey Dr. Wilson." Chase replies turning to face house once again.  "So, will you take the case?" Chase questions anxiously. "Uh.. I'm going to be at a medical conference mate but you and the other little houselings can handle it huh?" House stands up, pops a vicoden, and winks at me. "C'mon Wilson. We've got plans to make." I shoot up and follow my best friend into the lobby.
"So your going?"
"God, no."
"Oh c'mon house, what will convince you?"
   He pretends to think for a while. "Would you do anything to get me to go?" The words send a shiver down my spine even though I know what they really mean. "Okay, i'll... i'll... continue to do the grocery shopping and the laundry." I offer.
"Alright then, get your paperwork done and pack your bags." At that, he winks at me and hobbles off into the elevator.

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