As Puri Puri Prisoner speaks, Sonic is watching and listening to the Hero on the sidelines. The speedster knows that now would be the best opportunity to flee before anymore Heroes show up, but he can't help but be curious about how a fight between a Demon-level monster and a S-Class Hero will go. Who knows, he might just stay around and fight the victor of the fight so he can prove his superiority over them in strength.

"I'll start things off at half power to gauge how much you can take!" exclaimed Puri Puri Prisoner before his already large muscles bulge in size. However, Puri Puri Prisoner had forgotten all about the vest he was wearing which was already struggling to cover his muscular chest. When Puri Puri Prisoner's muscles bulge upon him using half of his power, his now enlarged muscles tear through the vest as easily as ripping apart toilet paper, leaving it in tatters on the floor.

Puri Puri Prisoner gasps in horror as he watches the torn fabric of what was once his vest flutter to the ground. "YOU MADE ME RIP THE HANDKNIT SWEATER MY BOYFRIEND MADE FOR ME!" roared the S-Class Hero is utter rage.

Sonic watches in disbelief as the Hero shouts about how the monster is at fault for ripping his vest when it was obviously Puri Puri Prisoner's own stupid fault for bulging his muscles while still wearing it.


Deep Sea King ignores the human's shouts and licks his lips in excitement. "Hmm~, a delectable slab of meat, prime and tasty. You've wet my-" Deep Sea King lands a strong roundhouse punch across Puri Puri Prisoner's left cheek. "Appetite!"

Such a powerful punch would have knocked out an A-Class Hero with ease, seeing as how he has used similar punches on three A-Class Heroes already. However, Puri Puri Prisoner is on a whole different league compared to the A-Class Heroes who the Deep Sea King has already defeated. Which is why the Deep Sea King is surprised when Puri Puri Prisoner doesn't drop to the floor like all the others and instead, returns a powerful punch of his own across the Seafolk's left cheek.

"Huh? Oh dear" muttered Deep Sea King through his now broken jaw. For the first time since invading the surface, he has actually suffered an injury from one of the humans.

Puri Puri Prisoner then performs a powerful uppercut into Deep Sea King's chest, launching the monster in the air.

Deep Sea King flips backwards while in midair and lands on his feet while planting an arm against the floor to keep himself steady. "I felt that" said the King of the Seafolk who's broken jaw heals within seconds, as well as the damage done from the human's uppercut. "Just a little."

"I felt that as well. A little" said a smiling Puri Puri Prisoner who blocks one nostril with his thumb so he can blow out the blood that's pooling in his other nostril. The S-Class Hero's thoughts tell a different story.

"Dammit, his punch was stronger than I expected" thought Puri Puri Prisoner who is suffering a lot of pain from the punch the Seafolk monster gave him. "Even so, I must not lose to him. I can't have anymore of my boys so savagely destroyed by this monster. I've got no choice, I gotta go all out."

Both Deep Sea King and Sonic sense Puri Puri Prisoner's power suddenly rise even higher.

( City M )

"What's with all these monster attacks today?" Deku asked himself, jumping away in time to avoid a swinging claw which tears apart a wall behind him.

After warning the Hero Association about the impending invasion of the Seafolk, he continued his patrol throughout the neighboring cities, only stopping whenever he comes across a Mysterious Being wrecking havoc. In the past six hours, he has already defeated five Tiger-level monsters and two Demon-level, not including the one he's fighting against right now. Said monster looks like a bipedal raccoon who stands over eight feet tall, is covered in black and white fur and has very sharp claws which he has been swinging around in an attempt to cut Deku up into ribbons. So far, the monster has not had much success, but not for a lack of trying.

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