Chapter 2

935 17 31

Izuku's Quirks:

1) One For All
2) Blackwhip
3) Float
4) ?
5) ?
6) ?
7) ?



( City I - Hero Academy )

Within the confines of City I, there's an institute that is renowned for being the only place in the world where young men and women can go to train and study on how to be the next generation of Heroes. Every year, hundreds to thousands of young teens apply to the academy so they can spend the next three years of their lives, learning how to become the best Heroes they can be. Since the academy was only constructed three years ago, the current third year students will be the very first class to graduate from the academy.

The academy is famously known as Hero Academy.

Built and funded by the Hero Association, Hero Academy's main purpose is to train and guide students into becoming the next generation of Heroes to defend humanity from both criminals and Mysterious Beings. While anyone can still become a Hero by passing the Hero Certification Exam, Hero Academy offers its students the chance to become strong before they enter the dangerous world of Heroes. Another upside to joining Hero Academy is that once the students graduate after their three years of training and studying, they automatically earn their C-Class Hero ranking so they don't need to pass the Hero Certification Exam. Therefore, it only makes sense that every teacher in Hero Academy is an official Hero, even for non-heroic subjects like math and geography. Even the principal of Hero Academy is an official Hero, although he isn't just any Hero.

The principal of Hero Academy so happens to be the current S-Class Rank 1 Hero, Izuku Midoriya or Deku as he's more widely known as.

Right now, Izuku Midoriya can be found sitting in his office which is both large and simple in taste. Izuku is sitting on a comfy office chair from behind his desk, signing documents that help keep the school running without any trouble. On the opposite side of his desk, there are two comfy green chairs for anyone to sit on who so happens to visit his office, either they be professors or students. To the left of Izuku's desk is a bookshelf filled with books that range in everything from science textbooks to Hero biographies. To the right of Izuku's desk are three chairs surrounding a coffee table and overhead them is a flat screen television which he has on, but with the volume low so to not distract him from signing his paperwork.

Izuku nearly groans in frustration while signing another document. For the last ten years, he has defeated various criminal organizations and Mysterious Beings that could destroy whole cities and yet for some reason, signing form after form is enough to tire out even his near infinite stamina and patience. "Who's stupid idea was it to make the Hero Academy?" groaned Izuku, ignoring the several voices in the back of his head that reminds him that it was actually his idea.

The idea had actually came to him just a few months after the Hero Association was formed. While the world was lucky to have men and women of various strength and skill join up with the Hero Association when it first formed, there was only so much of them to patrol every city. Even then, most of the Heroes weren't capable of dealing with Dragon-level threats, like Vaccine Man or Mosquito Girl. At the moment, only the S-Class Heroes can actually handle the Dragon-level threats alone and right now, there are only sixteen of them.

That's why Izuku proposed the Hero Academy plan to the Hero Association. Just like with UA, Hero Academy is to train their students to not only become Heroes, but to be the best Heroes that they can possibly be. While the training can be grueling and not everyone can keep up, those who do have shown that they will be great Heroes when they graduate and get some experience on the field. From what Izuku can tell, the current third years who are the first students to enter Hero Academy have grown to the point where they can defeat most C-Class Heroes and even a few low rank B-Class.

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