Trouble in paradise.

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Mince walked over to the sleigh, he could see many elves having a chat while loading the sleigh "Why are we loading the sleight again? Christmas is in two days." An elf said and Mince passed them "We always load the sleigh two days before Christmas. It makes it so we elves don't have to do so much on Christmas eve, which is the busiest night of all of our lives." Another elf said "Yeah, I heard that one year. Since the elves were so busy doing other things. That the elves forgot to load the sleigh, and Santa had to load it himself." Another elf said popping out of nowhere "Of course you would hear it Thessalia the gossip elf." The elf said beside her and she laughed.

"What? It's only my job. After all gossip is my calling." Thessalia says putting her hand on her hip "Well, I think work should be your new calling. After all it would be better for all of us." Bushy Twinklesleigh said from behind them. They turned around "Uh, yes Bushy! We were.. Just about to get to work! Right boys?" Thessalia said and when she looked they were gone "Great.." She says and Bushy smiles "Well Thess, seems you need to learn a lesson of doing your job." Bushy says and Thessalia gulps. 

Mince started helping load the sleigh while he kept thinking of working in the miracle working with the beautiful Noelle, daughter of his hero Santa Claus. Who saved his family with his jolly attitude and magical powers he saved Mince's family from having a bad Christmas before he became an elf. As he loads the sleigh he had a bad feeling, like something bad was going to happen.

Noelle and Tinsel were in the miracle worker building. Noelle was sitting in her chair watching over the miracle worker, When Tinsel got up from his chair and walked over to Noelle "Princess may I offer you a hot beverage?" Tinsel said holding a hot chocolate "Uh, sure." Noelle says and As Tinsel tries to give her the cup, he trips up and spills it on her. Noelle stands up after getting burned from the hot beverage. Tinsel takes this opportunity and presses a button on the miracle Worker, He hovers over to Noelle who is still burned by the beverage "Oh I'm so sorry princess! I'm so clumsy!" Tinsel says and Noelle smiles at him "It's alright. It's only hot chocolate. After all it is very cold outside and you can kind of call that a hot shower?" Noelle says and Tinsel smiles.

"You should go get changed. After all chocolate can be very sticky." Tinsel says and Noelle looks at him "Nah, I'll be fine. I just need a towel." Noelle says walking down the stairs. When Noelle left Tinsel's smile turned into a frown. When she returned she sat down, she looked at the miracle worker and it was going haywire. Noelle stands up "The miracle worker!" She screamed and Tinsel came running "What's wrong!?" Tinsel says and she looks at him "The miracle worker, all of a sudden the percentage. It's gone almost all the way down!" Noelle says and Tinsel looks at her. 

"What does that mean?!" Tinsel says and Noelle grabs her coat "That means the Christmas spirit percentage is almost zero. Which means if Dad tries to fly the sleigh. He will crash, and he will crash hard." Noelle says and rushes down the stairs "But, why can't I see the percentage on it?!" Tinsel says chasing after her "Only I can see the percentage on it, it's kind of the gift my father gave me when I was a little girl. I need to tell my father this." Noelle said and went to grab the door knob when Tinsel grabbed her arm. She looked at him "Wait!" Tinsel said "What?" Noelle asked and Tinsel glanced up the stairs.

"Maybe we don't have to tell Santa." Tinsel says and Noelle gives him a weird look "What do you mean? This is a code red!" Noelle says and Tinsel puts his hand up "Santa has probably been stressed because Christmas is right around the corner. Plus we can handle this ourselves." Tinsel says and Noelle gives him a funny look "How can we handle this ourselves? We can't fix the percentage by just pressing a button!" Noelle says and Tinsel shakes his head.

"But we can." Tinsel says "No we can't!? That's impossible?! the last time this happened Santa fixed it. If there was a button before Santa would've known!-" Noelle says but gets cut off by Tinsel putting his hand over her mouth "Shh." He said and Noelle looked at him. "Just let me talk." He said and started bringing her upstairs while holding his hand over her mouth. He sat her down on a chair "Now, I'm going to uncover your mouth. Please don't freak out." Tinsel says and slowly peels his hands off her mouth. Once it was free she stared at them "Why do I feel like you've done that before.." Noelle says and Tinsel pulls over a chair.

"T-Trust me. I haven't, anyway now will you let me speak?" Tinsel said his voice stuttered over the word trust me "Yes." Noelle says glancing over to the miracle worker which was at the 38% Percent "Alright-" Tinsel was interrupted by banging on the door. Noelle went to stand up but Tinsel stopped her "I'll get it." He says and hovers over and down the stairs. Tinsel got to the door and opened it slightly "Yes?" He said "T-Tinsel!!" An elf in panic said "What's going on?!" Tinsel says noticing the elf who looked scared "Santa Claus has asked all of us to gather in the Work station, last time this happened he almost cancelled Christmas!" The scared little elf said "Woah, Woah. Calm down. It's going to be all right. He's probably calling us there to tell us we're all doing a wonderful job." Tinsel says and the elf calms down "Yeah, m-maybe your right. Anyways he wants Noelle to be there too." The stuttering elf says "Wait.. Why Noelle?" Tinsel says.

"He says he wants everyone there, anyway I've got to go!" The elf says and runs away. Tinsel closes the door and hovers up the stairs "What did they want..?" Noelle asks looking over at him. "Santa has called all of us to come to the work station." Tinsel says and Noelle looks confused "Why?" Noelle asks "I don't know. Usually, I am the one going around telling people what Santa wants." Tinsel says and she stands up "You should probably go." Noelle says and Tinsel looks down "The strange thing is." Tinsel says and Noelle looks at him "He wants you there too." He says and Noelle looks worried, she starts running down the stairs "This is not good!" Noelle says putting her jacket on and opening the door, Tinsel following behind her shuts the door as she enters the snow. Noelle locks the door "Last time this happened, it was because the miracle worker was at a low percent." Noelle says and Tinsel looks at her "Wait.. You didn't-" Tinsel says "No I didn't tell anyone, you stopped me before I could." Noelle says.

"Then how does he know?" Tinsel asks "Well, they do say Santa knows everything." Noelle says as they begin to walk to the work station. When they arrived there were piles of elves crowded Around. Some looked worried, some looked upset and some looked excited. but Noelle looked Nervous. An elf came up to Noelle "What's happening? Are they going to cancel Christmas!?" The elf said "Of course not. It's going to be all right." Noelle said and he walked away.

"Okay, Now I'm nervous. Because I know Thess the gossip elf has hit again. She has told everyone that Christmas is cancelled." Noelle says and she looks up to see Santa ready to talk. 

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