"Stop... *Raising his arm to the bodyguard* promise you...." Nearing zhan's face. "Dad loves you but...he doesn't like disobedient brats. I know you are crazy... *his heart felt broken hearing that* but you can control yourself also, is it? This is very naive of you! Hmm..." Taking two bottle pills from his man. "I knew you wouldn't reach to take your medicines, so I chose to send them to you. Make sure, you, don't, skip a single. day. Understood!" Smiling at him but unfriendly one.

"I can't believe your mother left me this burden to handle it. But, I won't mind as long as you'll become the CEO, my heir. Remember, a politician like me can't lose face when my family is always on spotlight, I don't like that, won't appreciate the embarrassment following after." Standing up. Not sparing a glance just leaves the room, while Inside Zhan throws the tray across the room dirtying the floor.

Nurses running inside, in a hurry hold his hands and knees to stop him. Screaming his mighty, the same doctor. Mr Ji li, runs inside followed by Yibo and Cheng. The sight breaks his heart more. Zhan, really is suffering.

Consultation room~~

"Is your father using drugs?" That's the first question yibo meets with.

"No? Why?" Be it not it.

"But this is a drug mostly containing heroin in it. That's illegal unless prescribed by a doctor."

"My father used it everyday. Is it dangerous?"

"That's turn into an addiction. And more likely to cause confusions, drowsiness, and more even constipation." Answers Ji li.

"Shouldn't your father know before hand and why does he take this medicine. What's it's name?" Asks Cheng.


"But wait... something is different..." Snatching the plastic bag taking out the pill. "This isn't the one only....


Sitting silently in their shared room, Zhan was silent. Ever since he got discharged from the hospital the next day, he was all mute, no any expression as always. Having himself looking blankly at the paper, his pencil twiling over his slim fingers. He is composing a song.

While yibo was just mastering his steps. They just came from the practice and today was more killing to be frank but what can be do?

"Argh!!..." Sitting down massaging his legs. "I'm holy tired." Laying down fully, he takes his phone to chat while Zhan who was fed up with this awkwardness since morning couldn't fundom as to why is yibo silent..all he did was taking care of him, but that cherry on his face changed from more strangely to him. He will speak curtly, and smile shortly. The day looks more gloomy to him.

"Mo-mom..." His head ducked on the table, as tears slowly drop, and his shoulders go rythimically slowly soon his muffled voice comes out open making yibo jerk sitting looking behind him. "Everyone knows I'm a lunatic, crazy...insane...just like what that old man said...I know I am, but....is it? difficult to have someone who is willing to be with me indifferently? See me as how I am.! What did I do to deserve this? What?" Hugging his hands more hidding his head, sobs more painfully and pitifully.

"Fine, it's okay. I don't care what you are thinking and whose son you are, that's none of my concern. But...are you really a prime Minister's son? That's why you don't want to speak more about yourself?" Hugging him while standing, his back bent a bit. "That's why you isolate yourself?" Asks yibo. In a whisper. Waiting patiently, as he leaves his body feeling zhan's stire to wake up.

"I am a son of a politician who never gave a Damn about his family..all he saw was fame and proudness to the citizens. If you ask if I even know what my father is? Can't answer that question, because we never took our father-son relationship to know each other better. He used his power even to rule us which my mother was always a shield to my life. Maybe he didn't want me or it's because our blood ran away from each other. (Wiping his snorts)

But still never stopped loving him. My school life wasn't that cherry because I had no friends, they were all scared to befriend me because of my status at school, until I got this friend of mine, our bond grew bigger not because we ranked the same by our fathers powers and names but because we really were best friends. His name is Ji li, I think you already met him!" Looking at his sheet.

"But he said you are his longest patient.?" Impatient yibo.

"That's because he came around again as my doctor when I became a patient of his. We missed each other after completing highschool." Smiling sadly. "That's when my life turned more hell than it was." Eyes beaming tears.

"What are you doing?" Snatching the notebook. Looking at it as Zhan wipes his hanging colorless rounds under his eyes by his sleeved long sweater. Yibo started singing the song that he just saw. As usual his voice is unwelcome but it's not tiresome to listen.

"I wonder if you'll be ready to listen more." Talking to himself.

"Of course I will~.... Na,. Na, na...

"Ops, sorry, that was a song part but, it's also the correspondence of what you said right now. Feel comfortable to speak, I'm always free whenever you want to let your heart ease." Flashing a smile, Zhan...too... Smiles~~ a bit.

"Sure. I will. Little yibo" whispering lastly he started to sing the song making the other look at him with a thumbs up but his body can't stop to perform the come-go mind steps.

I'm repeating, everything written here is out of real life, hmm~~


KNACK ROMANCE By PinkypankkieWhere stories live. Discover now