Chapter 25 Party.

Start from the beginning

We stopped walking and saw the formal shop.

"What we were waiting for let's go now!", I said.

We headed inside to find some outfits we need.

Akko Pov

We were in the town just chilling I was eating some Ice cream while listening to my friend's conversation.

Sucy takes out something from her pocket and saw a big jar inside that was is a bee.

"An enchanted..." Lotte said.

"Cupid bee?" I said.

"I ordered a poison bee but they sent me this by mistake," Sucy replied to us.

"The person who gets stung by this will fall in love with the first person they see." Explained to us.

"So it's like in love at first sight," Lotte responds to Sucy.

"The first person they see?" I said.

"Are you going to send it back, ?" Lotte asked Sucy.

"Since we have it, why don't we let it sting somebody?" I spoke to them while smirking.

Lotte glanced at me. "Like who?" Lotte replied to me.

Sucy smiled at me. "Like Akko." Sucy teased me.

I pouted at Sucy. "Sucy?" I responded to her with an annoyed tone.

They chuckled at what I said. Until an expensive car stopped in front of us.

The car opened and saw Hannah and Barbara wearing beautiful dresses.

Hannah glances at me with a mischievous smile. "Oh, it's Akko," Hannah spoke to me.

"What're the dresses for?" I asked them.

Hannah walked closer to us and pose like a model. "We got invited to the Earl of Hanbridge's mansion," Hannah explained to me.

"His son Andrew got a prestigious award at his school," Barbara explained to me.

"For Andrew?" I murmured to myself.

I was having flashbacks with Andrew at the campus.

Abruptly the car's door opened and saw Diana was wearing a beautiful dress.

I and my friends were amazed at Diana's dress.

"Lovely!" Lotte said.

"Are you going, too, Diana?" I asked her.

Barbara, glance at me. "Of course, she is," Barbara replied to me.

"Both the Hanbridges and the Cavendishes share an illustrious noble bloodline," Hannah explained to me.

"Their families have been linked for over 500 years," Barbara said.

Diana sighed. "I can't embrace this," Diana said.

"I don't want my study time interrupted by some trivial party," Diana said.

Diana looked at her friends. "Hannah, Barbara, let's leave early tonight," Diana said while getting inside the car.

Hannah glances at me. "I know you're jealous," Hannah spoke to me.

"I know you want to go to the party," Barbara replied to me.

I was gonna say something but Hannah and Barbara stops me.

"No, no, no, no way!" Hannah and Barbara said.

"Only the noble and wealthy get invited to the Earl's parties," Hannah said.

Barbara looked at my face. "Miss Loser with ice cream on her face can just stand here grinding her teeth," Barbara responds to me.

Book1♡Hello, there Lady Cavendish♡               {Diana Cavendish X Fem Reader }Where stories live. Discover now