To swim

426 17 12

Ugly squid- Kim Dokja
Fake king- Han Sooyoung
Sunfish bastard- Yoo Joonghyuk
Knight- Jung Heewon
Papa bear- Lee Hyungsung
Moonlight goddess- Yoo Sangah
Lee Seolhwa
Blonde fries- Jang Hayoung
ChuunidragOn- Abfd (in this fic, Blac)
Smexy monkeh- Sun Wukong
Local jd shipper- Uriel
Plotter- Secretive Plotter


Ugly squid: to swim, or not to swim, that is the question.

Moonlight goddess: I think you got it wrong, it's "To be, or not to be, that is the question."

Fake king: Sangah dear I love you but he actually meant it like that.

Papa bear: I say to swim is the better option

Blonde fries: binge watching netflix is the better option

Smexy monkeh: While I do agree, it's not the healthiest option

Blonde fries: guess I'll be unhealthy then

Sunfish bastard: you can swim?

Ugly squid: not really

Sunfish bastard: then how exactly do you plan on swimming?

Ugly squid: that's why I'm hear, someone's gonna have to teach me

Knight: and what if no one does?

Ugly squid: then I'll have to create a new swim style called drowning

ChuunidragOn: that's not how it works

Ugly squid: it is what it is

ChuunidragOn: fair point

Fake king: yeah no I'm not doing that

Sunfish bastard: fine I'll do it

Ugly squid: nice

Ugly squid: i'll be at your house real quick

Fake king: you could've just said you wanted to have a swim date with him or something

Ugly squid: or something

Fake king: you-

Local jd shipper: guess who I met in the subway

Blonde fries: ...51?

Local jd shipper: SHUT. SHUT UP.

Local jd shipper: I'm not talking to you

Blonde fries: I'm sorry!

Local jd shipper: anyways you're wrong

Local jd shipper: I met someone far less important

Fake king: lemme guess, was it Micheal?

Local jd shipper: damn how'd you know?

Fake king: took a guess

Smexy monkeh: so what happened?

Local jd shipper: he was like talking to someone on the phone

Local jd shipper: didn't hear anything but get this

Local jd shipper: he was blushing

Blonde fries: Ngl that sounds hot

Local jd shipper: won't deny that but I didn't like it one bit

Knight: I thought you hated him?

Local jd shipper: I do but just because I do

Local jd shipper: doesn't mean he looks bad

Local jd shipper: it's just his personality is ass

Local jd shipper: but this bitch was literally like red all over the face, like a damn chilly

Blonde fries: cause he do be spicy

Fake king: Hayoung please

Blonde fries: what? He's like me but worse.

Knight: are you implying you're your own type?

Blonde fries: he's not my type, he's just fine.

Local jd shipper: ahem, before I was rudely interupted

Local jd shipper: he saw me by the way

Local jd shipper: then he immediately cut the call and just speed walked away

Smexy monkeh: damn that's wild

Fake king: damn who the hell got him blushing tho?

Local jd shipper: I have no fkin clue but now I can't know

Local jd shipper: since I got fired

Ugly squid: oops?

Local jd shipper: eh I don't mind

Ugly squid: AKK

Ugly squid: HELGRIWN

Local jd shipper: what the-

Smexy monkeh: you ok???

Papa bear: Dokja-ssi??

Fake king: Helgriwn sounds like a great last name for my royal AU! Thanks for the idea rat.

Plotter: I have a feeling he needs help

Fake king: gee ya think?

Plotter: Yoo Joonghyuk's probably around him so

Plotter: nothing you people need to do

Lee Seolhwa has started a group call

Plotter has cut the call

In Lee Seolhwa's screen was Kim Dokja in a pool, on the verge of drowning and a panicked Yoo Joonghyuk jumping into the pool to save him. "Nothing to be worried about, he's handled the situation."

"What are you doing with them?" Jang Hayoung asked from her end of the call, where she was in her own room holding a squid plushie with wings and two horns. Lee Seolhwa responded, "Joonghyuk-ssi decided that the pool I usually swim at would be a good place for Dokja-ssi to practice. Which is true, because this place is good quality."

"He also said he knew a doctor may be needed incase of trouble so that's another reason." She added and Han Sooyoung cackled, "HAHAHA can't believe he cockblocked himself." She mumbled, and Yoo Sangah asked to the screen that was now facing Lee Seolhwa instead of the two others. "So is Dokja-ssi ok?"

Lee Seolhwa turned her phone towards the other two to show that they're fine, while Kim Dokja was garbling inaudible words about how he can't die since he has a novel to finish and Yoo Joonghyuk was glaring at him while seeing if he had any trouble breathing or had any leftover pool water in him, which he didn't.

"Aish I um all gooh, just sound a lil unclea thas aul." Kim Dokja confirmed his state and Yoo Sangah sighed in relief, "That's a relief. Thank goodness you're all right."

"There was no real reason for me having to be here but I stuck around since I like swimming." Lee Seolhwa said and Jung Heewon asked out of worry for her "Gosh are you ok?" not in a mocking way, atleast not towards her rather the men who were supposed to be "swimming".

"Of course, but I think I've swam enough for today so I'll be cutting the call." Lee Seolhwa said and cut the call.

Safe to say Kim Dokja probably won't try swimming ever again.

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