Josie eyes widen, she was taken back by the confession, of course the brunette felt something at that very moment but she couldn't say anything, she rather be that coward then to let herself be happy.

"I should go, I'll bring back your clothes-"

Hope shook her head "keep it." She says as Josie walked outside of the door. Hope then slammed the door shut and plopped onto the bed.


When Josie got to her house, it was all quiet, she assumed that maybe everyone had went to sleep after the party.

The brunette ran up to her room and she plopped on the bed, she didn't even bother shutting the door.

"Hey jo." Lizzie voice filled the empty room.

Josie turned over to see her sister before she sat up. "Lizzie, I think I messed up." Josie says as she brought her legs up to her body.

Lizzie nodded and closed the door. "If you broke up with Landon after what got leaked, then there's nothing wrong about that, you don't need to be sad—"

Josie shook her head "no..I didn't talk to him yet, I'm talking about Hope.. I've messed up with her and life and now I don't know what to do."

"What did you do.. to Hope? Spare me any sexual details." Lizzie scrunched her nose.

"I had the best day with Hope, we laughed and it wasn't fake, I haven't had a genuine laugh in so long, and I fed her cupcakes, it was adorable and heat warming at the same time, I even talked with her little cousin—which he's so adorable." Josie smiled at every memory.

"So, what's the problem?" Lizzie asked

Josie sighed and she begin to look out into the air. "I told her we were nothing more than friends and she kind of freaked out and said she didn't want to be my friend at all, and then I left,"

"Well, you can't be mad if you lead her on, unless you didn't know you were leading her on. Do you even want to be her friend?" Lizzie asked

Josie nodded "I do want to be her friend, I love every moment we had, she's the only person that has made me happy, happier than I've ever been and happier than I'm sure that I ever will be."

Josie took a deep breath "I just can't lose her any more than I have, I love waking up with her, and I love her smile, and sometimes I want to cry because she makes me so freaking happy, but at this very moment I want to cry because she's mad at me for something I can barely understand myself, I don't mean to hurt her it's just I'm not ready to say the words that she want me to admit out loud, I can't even say it to myself, and right now I really miss her and I missed her once I left her house."

Lizzie could see a tear leave her sisters eyes. "Yesterday I caught myself looking at photos of me and her just smiling because I felt so happy and when I checked the time I realized that I'd been staring for over hours just at us, just at her. I know I hurt her but I want to make it better, I need to make it better because it's her.. any other person I wouldn't truly care about making happy.. Hope's just something different, she's someone different."

Lizzie smiled before she glanced over at her sister. "Are you sure you aren't in love?" Lizzie asked

Josie scoffed " there could be possibly a little crush there but I'm not in love. I mean sure she has the qualities that I would want my significant other to have but she's just a friend."

Lizzie nodded and crossed her legs. "Okay, so what do your so-called lover have to be, for you to be in love?" Lizzie asked

Josie shrugged her shoulders "I don't know to be honest; I want someone who makes me smile and someone who understands me. Someone that enjoys what I enjoy, and if they don't then at least be happy that I have something that I enjoy. Someone that can have fun with me and compliment me over the littlest things. I really want someone that's going to make me see past all the little things that I don't really enjoy about myself, overall, I want to be someone's number one, I'm everyone's backup plan and I Just want to be important to them.. but that's too much to ask for apparently."

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