24. Hand Man and Mist Man?

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Y/N finished off the last yakuza member, touching him on the shoulder and making him drop limply to the ground.

He brushed his hands off, staring around at the bodies around the building. "That was unpleasant."

Over the last few days of internships, Y/N had spent his free time doing what he was best at - completing contract after contract.

His eyes glowed brightly pretty much all the time, and it was a tiring life - he would complete one and immediately move on to the next.

Y/N enjoyed it though - a break from the dull school life he'd experienced.

"Oh, I've got school tomorrow, don't I?"

He groaned, thinking of what would happen there. "Everybody's going to go on and on about their internships, and I'll be there like, yeah, Snipe died."

The boy was hoping that the message he'd received to go out with some of the class was real - he had way too much free time. After his stunt at the police station, they had upped their game even more, to the point where it was hard for Y/N to walk the streets without spotting officers.

He'd had to stick to contracts on villains and the less... cared about in society.

Y/N wiped his brow, spinning round and turning translucent as he heard footsteps behind him.

"So I didn't get everyone, did I?"

The last gang member was staring right at Y/N with a gun in his shaky hands, and Y/N stared right back.

"What do you want." Y/N spoke flatly, making the member tremble in fear. He was much younger than the others, and probably was only a few years older than Y/N.

"Someone wants to speak to you."

"I don't care. If they want to speak to me, tell them to message me."

Y/N shook his head disappointedly, before teleporting behind the boy and killing him.

"Who sends children to do their dirty work?"


Y/N got home to see a new message. He eagerly opened it, showing a message that wasn't at all like he was expecting.

Hello Y/N. I've been waiting to talk to you for hours now, but unfortunately, it seems my messenger boy has died. Meet me at the place where you first went public.

"They know my name? What kind of creepy stalker is this?"

The boy was intrigued - he had nothing else to do, and he was probably going to get bored in a matter of minutes.

"Ah, alright." He didn't put much thought into it. "Where did I go on the news? Was it the warehouse?"

Y/N shrugged, before leaving his house to head to the warehouse.

He expected there to be a heavy police presence there - even though the initial crime happened nearly a month ago.

The teen teleported over rooftops, stopping on top of the warehouse roof where he'd stood before.

There was no police presence. Everybody seemed to have cleared out, and even though there was police tape covering the entrance to the warehouse, there were no guards, no cameras.

Y/N dropped into the warehouse from the top, teleporting to the ground moments before hitting it to break his fall.


His voice echoed slightly, and he spun a full circle. "The only reason I'm here is because I'm bored, so don't make this a chore too."

The warehouse looked just as it did before. Crates were everywhere, stacked in piles and randomly strewn across the place. There was a big open area in the middle where Y/N had stepped into, and most of it was shadowed by the roof, even in the bright daylight.

A grating laugh came back at him, and Y/N sighed. "Cut all the cloak-and-dagger BS, what do you want?"

A tall man stepped from behind a crate, wearing a fine suit with a metal brace around his neck.

"Whoa, what kind of quirk does that to you?"

His entire body was a sort of mist, looking like it was held into the shape of a normal person. It didn't seem to form hands or fingers, which made Y/N think of how annoying that must be.

The man's head was that same black mist, with two piercing yellow eyes glaring out. The top of his head didn't seem to have the same coherency the rest of his body mist did, spreading out and leaving a small trail like smoke from a campfire.

The second man that stepped out was even more strange. He was dressed normally in a plain black tracksuit and a long-sleeved black shirt, but had a hand gripping onto his face.

He had wild white hair, and was very skinny, but also still taller than Y/N. There was a cut on his right shoulder which hadn't healed well, and he gingerly touched it as the pair walked to Y/N.



Y/N looked curiously at the duo. "Why do you have a hand on your face?"

"Uh," The white-haired man coughed into his hand. "I... personal reasons."

"Ookay, I guess. And why did you want to see me?"

The mist man talked this time. "My name is Kurogiri, and this is Tomura Shigaraki. We are looking for capable, powerful fighters to add to something we are forming."

"Well, mist man, what is it?"

"We're creating something, a League of Villains that share the common goal - to kill All Might."

Y/N tapped his chin, pretending to think. "Thanks, but no thanks."


Shigaraki spoke loudly. "What?" His voice was incredulous. "You would turn us down?"

Y/N wrinkled his face. "I'm too busy for this kind of stuff. Besides, I'm not a villain."

The white-haired man slumped his shoulders slightly. "Yes, you are. You kill heroes and law enforcement weekly."

"Actually, more daily," Y/N corrected him. "But I also kill a lot of gangs, criminals, and villains like you."

"You couldn't kill us."

"Believe me, if I was paid enough, I would gladly do it. You guys just look creepy."

Shigaraki's hands clenched, and Kurogiri put a calming mist hand on his shoulder. The white-haired man looked like a child having a temper tantrum.

"Don't tease me like that!" He whined pitifully.

Y/N grinned. "You guys are too funny though."

"Shut up! Are you joining or not?"

The boy shook his head. "I don't have enough time for it, like I said. Also, if I become one of your League of Villains guys, then I count as a villain. And I'm not."

Shigaraki sighed, and Y/N gave him a smile. "Don't worry, I find you guys too funny to kill."

Kurogiri turned away, conjuring up some weird mist portal, and stepped through it, disappearing.

"Well." The other man stared at Y/N, though he couldn't be sure with the hand over his face. "Handshake before we leave?" He held out his hand invitingly.

Something's wrong here. Y/N looked down at the outstretched hand. His nerves were screaming at him that something was going to happen. Might seem rude to not, but who cares?

"Nah, I'm good. I've got school prep to deal with." Y/N teleported away, leaving the warehouse and heading back home.

Shigaraki shouted after him, a small grin forming underneath the hand on his face. "Smart boy!"

He turned to Kurogiri. "Keep tabs on him. For some reason, that boy is attending U.A, and I intend to not let him out of our sight." 

"The heroes will abandon him at some point, and then he'll be ours." 

Angel of Death (BNHA x male villain reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें